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15 Faster Than Fast Food, Healthy Meal Options

When stress is high, time is low, and even thinking about what to put together on a plate is panic inducing, I totally understand why fast food seems like the most obvious option. It's convenient, it's cheap, and well... it's fast. 

But you and I both know that if living a healthy lifestyle, weight loss, and/or increased energy are the goals, fast food is not the way to get there.

But that doesn't change the fact that sometimes (or more often than not) even 20 or 30 minutes in the kitchen preparing a meal is too much time. 

Heck, I'm there often. There are tons of times I have literally 5 minutes between clients and I have to get food in my face before I'm on the floor for another 4 hours straight. 

I know the importance of fast and easy. But I also know the importance of prioritizing healthy choices. Which is why I've put together this list of snacks and meals that will take you faster to put together than it would take you to drive to a fast food restaurant, wait in line, place your order, and wait for your food to come out. 

I have also put together an extra special freebie for you today that I think you are going to absolutely love! 

In my Healthy On The Go Guide (this is a new and improved version of my Nutrition-On-The-Go Guide, so if you already downloaded the first one, it's time to up the ante), you'll get my:

  • easy meal prep guide
  • healthy food on the go guide (an extended version of this blog post)
  • favorite fast food spots that you can feel good about going to
  • low calorie menus for some common fast food restaurants if you find yourself there against your will ;)
  • 10 minutes and under recipes
  • 10 minute total body burn workout template
  • AND my top 5 tips for time management mastery!

15 Faster Than Fast Food Meal & Snack Ideas

  1. Apple and nut butter
  2. Banana and nut butter
  3. Nuts and dried fruit
  4. Hummus and pre-chopped bell pepper
  5. Tangerines and string cheese
  6. Rotisserie chicken (pre-made) and baby carrots
  7. Healthy tuna salad (canned tuna, olive oil, lemon, salt, and pepper)
  8. Pre-cooked shrimp cocktail
  9. Bullet Proof Bar, Larabar, Kind Bar, RX Bar
  10. Nut butter and berry sandwhich
  11. Overnight oats
  12. Mason jar salad
  13. Shake
  14. Hard boiled eggs and grapes
  15. LEFT OVERS (Download today's freebie to learn how to cook once and eat all week!)

Besides just a list of healthy fast food items, I hope you take away this lesson today: you will find what you're looking for. If you're looking for reasons to eat like crap, it's easy to find them. If you're looking for ways to eat healthy despite life's obstacles, it's surprisingly easy to find them. So be mindful of what you're looking for. 

And again, I can't encourage you enough to download today's freebie. I literally wanted to give you everything you need to be successful even when time is not on your side. Because realistically, time is almost never on your side.

And if you're waiting for the day it is, you might never start working towards your goals. And my dear, that would be a travesty. So download your Healthy-On-The-Go Guide. Start today. Leave the excuses behind, step into your power, and simply begin.



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