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Episode 166: WE REBRANDED! Welcome to Follow Your Gut!

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I'm going to be real with you... this is not the podcast episode I had planned for today.

Last week I wrote a fantastic guide on how to ramp up your immune system naturally as we head into fall and another covid wave. 

However, when my co-host Gio and I went to record it this morning... poof! The guide was gone. 

But we roll with the punches here and my girl Gio came to the rescue with a great idea while my tech guys tried to find my missing blog post.

You may have noticed that a couple of weeks ago I rebranded the Life Unleashed podcast as well as my blog, social media, and website to Follow Your Gut!

I'm so excited about this change and the direction this practice is going, and since we haven't done an introduction to the show since we started over 3 years ago (has it really been that long??) it felt like a great time to do so!

In today's episode, Gio and I are switching places and she is interviewing me, covering hot topics like:

  • What is functional nutrition counseling and how will that change the future of this practice?
  • Why working out isn't the best route to weight loss. 
  • Why I chose the name 'Follow Your Gut' and what it means in the context of your goals.
  • How is my approach different than any other nutrition or fitness coach you see online?

So, whether you're new to the tribe and want to take a peak around or you're an OG and are excited to hear about what's to come, click the play link above and take a listen to this spur of the moment chat!

If after listening you find that you're interested in working with me, click here to schedule your free consultation so we can chat about the coaching option that would best fit your goals! 


Let's Chat!

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Ready to say goodbye to stubborn weight, uncontrollable cravings, emotional eating, and tummy 'fluff'? Click here to get on the waitlist for Follow Your Gut!!

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