Do you ever just wish you could have a little coach in your pocket, answering any nutrition or fitness questions that come up to help keep you on track??
Well... welcome to Kat's Coaching Corner!
Last week, Tanya (the influencer I work with) and I did a Q&A on her page and ya'll loved it! And so the Coaching Corner was born.
Each week I'll be posting a questions sticker on my Instagram stories to help clarify and support you on whatever journey you may be on.
Then I'll be bringing the best questions to the podcast that I think warrant a deeper conversation.
Sound good? Let's dive in...
To me this points to a mindset shift we need to make if we want to lose weight: it is never one thing. And there is no one best way.
The best way to lose fat overall is to challenge yourself with movement, eat more whole foods and less processed foods, mind your portions, learn healthy ways to cope with negative emotions, get enough sleep, drink enough water, reduce your stress levels (both mental and physical).
If you want to get to a healthy weight you have to be a healthy person and that means you can't just do one thing. You have to do all the things.
Absolutely. And if you do a lot of strength training, you still need yoga.
It's really not good for us to just do one type of workout.
That's going to work our muscles in one way, making it very easy to either adapt to that workout (where you are no longer seeing results) or to get an overuse injury because you're putting your muscles through the same range of motion too often.
If you want the best body, health, recovery, and results, you've got to mix it up.
Also to address this question more specifically, you're only going to get so far using your own body weight in your workouts. We do want to add external weight to increase the load on your muscles.
Plus yoga uses a lot of push muscles (think downward dog, plank, chaturanga, etc.), you want to balance that out with more pull movements in your strength training (think rows, lat pulls, and back flies).
Don't let women's magazines fool you. There are no age-specific workouts. Only level specific workouts.
You could be a novice exerciser at 25 years old and an expert at 60, in that case the 60 year old is going to have the more advanced workout.
Do you want to improve your strength, your mobility, and your balance? Yeah. But that should be part of your routine at any age.
In my experience, by this time in life many women have a lifetime of bad habits like under-eating (cough 1200 calories), yo-yo dieting, or eating like crap and having been able to get away with it.
Menopause is when all of that catches up with you.
So usually we need to do some healing work on the body before it will release weight (this is why I focus so much on gut health - it really helps with improving your metabolism, reducing inflammation, and supporting your hormones, making weight loss easier at any age).
We also have to do a lot of mindset work to get away from just slashing carbs and cutting calories.
Your body is going through a lot and we have to support it, not punish it.
Generally yes. Because using free weights is more functional - in other words you're able to mimic more natural movement patterns and utilize lots of important stabilizer muscles (leading to a better workout, more calories burned, and more stable joints).
Versus when you use machines, you're stuck in one range of motion and you don't have to use all those little stabilizer muscles.
The only time I like to use machines is to isolate and burn out a major muscle, or to take someone through a safe range of motion if they're dealing with an injury.
First of all, I hate the word 'cheat'. Think of all the negative connotations that word carries: you're not supposed to do it, it's shameful if you do it, you have to try to not do it again.
None of that is going to create a healthy relationship with food.
This mentality is usually what leads to the restrict-binge cycle that gets so many people in trouble.
It's all about balance. You can fit treats into your life without it being 'off plan' or a 'cheat'.
The ONE caveat is when we're on a healing protocol (like me). In that situation we just have to understand that those treat meals are going to slow down the healing process. So that's a choice you have to make whether it's worth it or not.
And even then there are ways to enjoy treats without going off plan (I did it plenty with my paleo pumpkin puffins and my gluten and dairy free fettuccine alfredo)!
Did you find this Q&A helpful? Don't forget to follow me on Instagram and add your own questions to next week's Coaching Corner!
And join us on the podcast next week for part 2!
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