Most of the women who hire me as a coach have the same goal: they want to lose weight. And while some are there because their weight is related to health issues and they want to get better, a lot of them are in good health but they just want to feel better in their skin... i.e. have more confidence.
And of course I'm beyond happy to help anyone reach whatever goals they have.
But I also want you to know, you do not need to hit your goal weight in order to feel good about the way you look. That's an inside job.
In fact, without doing the inner work many women find that even when they do reach their weight loss goals they still don't feel like it's good enough because while their body has changed, their inner dialogue hasn't.
Which is why we are dedicating our 200th episode to helping you feel amazing regardless of what your body is doing.
This is a matter of rewiring your brain to stop focusing on the little things you don't like and start focusing on the big things you do like. Remember what you focus on magnifies, so magnify all of the wonderful things about you.
I can't tell you how many clients I have in their 40's who thought they were fat in their 30's, but now when they look back at those photos they think, "Oh my God, I looked amazing back then, how could I have thought I looked bad??"
Well there's a future version of you who feels the same away about the you right now. So look at yourself through her eyes.
When you want to say mean things to yourself about the way you look, pull out your phone and record a voice note, but look into the eyes of your best friend while you say it. What would you say to them if they had the same exact body as you do right now.
Have you ever had one of those days where you wake up feeling good, you're happy with what you see in the mirror, your clothes fit great, but the second you step on the scale and see you're up a pound you suddenly feel like a whale? Nothing about your body changed in that time, but your perception of it did. The scale is a terrible measure of body composition anyways. Get rid of it, it isn't helping you.
I have horrible top-down lighting in my bathroom and it always amplifies every pimple, every fine line, every rough patch, and it makes me feel like shit. But I noticed when I go to a restaurant bathroom that has softer or more even lighting I feel fantastic and confident.
And I know we all have experienced the horrendous dressing room lighting; nothing will make you feel worse about yourself. So make a change. I'm going to be ordering stick on beauty lights to put on my bathroom mirror so when I look in the mirror every day I feel better about myself. You can do the same!
Have you ever noticed that when you first meet someone they might not be super attractive to you, but then as you get to know them and realize they're kind, smart, and funny, they suddenly transform into a total hotty. It isn't because their physical characteristics changed, it's because you're seeing not just what they look like but who they are. So look at yourself as others see you, as a complete, beautiful person. Inside and out.
I've told this story many times before. I had a client who came to me with a decent amount of weight to lose, but she already had a ton of body confidence. When I asked her what she did to get there she told me she unfollowed anyone who made her feel insecure about her body, and started following accounts that promoted body positivity. What we consume matters, both physically and mentally.
You may be skeptical reading these tips, thinking it's impossible to love your body as it is, right now. That you have to change it to change the way you feel. But I'm going to tell you what I tell all of my clients. View this as an experiment.
Give it a shot for a week, and just notice how you feel. At best you're feeling better in your skin, at worst you've been a bit kinder to yourself for a week.
Before I let you go until next week, I do have an exciting announcement. I've officially opened up the waiting list to work with me as your functional nutrition counselor.
For those of you who are new here, I've been in a nutrition program for the past year that starting in July will allow me to run labs to help you get to the bottom of any stubborn weight issues, gut issues, hormone issues, and the like.
I'll be keeping my prices as is for the first 5 people who sign up and my waitlist members will get first dibs when I officially graduate mid-July!
Click here to join my functional nutrition wait list!
If you're loving these episodes, you'll love the customized advice you'll get on a free 'Kickstart Your Weight Loss' call with me! Click here to schedule yours now 😉
Click here to book a complimentary consultation if you want to lose weight and keep it off without restrictive dieting!
Ready to say goodbye to stubborn weight, uncontrollable cravings, emotional eating, and tummy 'fluff'? Click here to get on the waitlist for Follow Your Gut!!
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