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Episode 241: Unlocking Your Healing Potential with Deep Sleep

If I told you there was a pill that would help you lose weight, reduce cravings, improve blood sugar balance, slow signs of aging, give you energy, boost your mood, aid in recovery, increase immune function, enhance learning, memory, and motor skills, improve exercise performance, detoxify your body, and potentially prevent diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia, you'd probably be jumping in line willing to pay a pretty penny for that pill. Am I right?

The good news is you don't have to pay a dime and you don't have to swallow a pill. Turns out, you just need to get more deep sleep. 

If you struggle with falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up rested, join the club… one in three Americans struggles to get enough sleep. 

With long working hours, addiction to tv and our phones, having young kids to take care of, 50-70 million Americans dealing with sleep disorders, and health issues on the rise, those numbers don’t surprise me. 

What did surprise me is nearly 40% of adults report accidentally falling asleep during the day.

That is absolutely wild! 

These numbers tell me one thing: we as a society do not appreciate how drastically sleep can alter our mental health, physical health, and quality of life. 

Sure no one likes being tired all the time, but we accept it as the norm. We consider it a part of aging and life that we just have to deal with. 

And what happens when we accept something as ‘just part of life’? Nothing. As in, we do nothing to change it. 

Meanwhile if we prioritized this essential pillar of our wellbeing we could enjoy the many benefits of that 'magic pill' we talked about.

But you know me, and I don’t want to just help you get more sleep. I want to help you get better quality sleep so you can get the biggest bang for your buck. 

Which brings us to today’s episode where we’re diving deep… into deep sleep that is. The most restorative and powerful phase of our sleep cycle. 

We’re going to be talking through the 4 stages of our sleep cycle, what deep sleep is, the countless benefits you can experience when you prioritize it, consequences of not getting enough, the habits that are disrupting your deep sleep before your head even hits the pillow, and the ideal routine to optimize deep sleep and make reaching your health goals a whole lot easier. 

The Club Members: You can find the full episode inside The Vault. Just head to the 'Self Care, Sleep, and Stress Management' module. After listening, pop into our community and share your biggest take away and one action step you're going to take this week to support your sleep!

Not a club member yet but want the full episode, plus entry into all of my programs, AND access to me as your coach, all for less than a dollar a day? Learn more and join the fun right here!

Want to know how much deep sleep you're actually getting? Click here to get $40 off your Oura ring, my absolute favorite way to track my sleep, cycle, steps, and more!


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Products and Programs!

The Club: $29/month

Think about it like a gym membership but instead of building muscles you're building healthy habits. Follow one of my pre-set programs like Follow Your Gut, The Hormone Belly Blueprint, Unleash Your Transformation, The Diet-Free Weight Loss Masterclass, The Fad Diet Detox, or Coach Kat's Cooking Course. OR jump straight to the video you need most right now, for example emotional eating, conquering cravings, mastering your motivation, etc.

Inside you'll get access to every program I ever have or ever will create, membership in a private community where you can get accountability and coaching from me and your fellow Club members, extended episodes of the podcast, live challenges and masterclasses throughout the year, cooking demos, recipes, and more! 

That's over $2000 worth of products and programs for less than a dollar a day! Click here to learn more and sign up!

 1:1 Functional Nutrition Coaching: $150-350/session

Finally get to the root of your health issues and experience relief from stubborn symptoms with functional lab work and customized protocols designed to optimize your gut, hormones, and metabolism. Click here to learn more and apply! 

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The information shared in this blog and podcast are intended for informational purposes only. They are not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any health conditions and you should always consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet or exercise routine.


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