It’s about that time! Back-to-school is around the corner, we’re finishing up our last-chance vaca's before it’s back to the grindstone, and thoughts are turning from ‘fuck-it vaca mode’ to ‘oh-crap-it’s-time-to-get-back-to-good-habits mode’.
But it can be hard to flip that switch when you’ve gotten out of the routine of working out, you haven’t been putting much thought into your food choices, it’s been a minute since you’ve been in the kitchen, and you’re used to staying up later than usual with all that sun and fun waiting for you.
In this week’s episode we’re making that switch flip easier by walking you through the do’s and don’ts of getting back on the bandwagon, plus sharing some ways to keep you from swinging so far off course that it makes it hard to get back next time.
Want someone walking side by side with you through this process, keeping you accountable as you work to shift your mindset and habits?
I want to invite you into our Back to School and Back on the Bandwagon Fall Challenge.
It’s going to be a 6-week live challenge that I’ll be hosting inside my membership program, The Club. Each week we’ll be building in different habits that will give you incredible results without resorting to restrictive food rules. And the best part? You'll actually want to stick with them.
We’ll be covering topics like meal planning, goal setting, time management, getting back to the basics with nutrition to eliminate the overwhelm of starting over, overcoming cravings, and pitfalls to avoid if you want to stay consistent with your healthy habits.
On top of all this, you’ll get unlimited access to me as your coach via our community message board. So any time you’re feeling stuck, have a question, or need some encouragement to keep going, your fellow wellness warriors and I will be there.
Follow me on Instagram and TikTok!
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Click here to book a complimentary consultation if you want to find out how I can help you get unstuck on your health journey!
Think about it like a gym membership but instead of building muscles you're building healthy habits. Follow one of my pre-set programs like Follow Your Gut, The Hormone Belly Blueprint, Unleash Your Transformation, The Diet-Free Weight Loss Masterclass, The Fad Diet Detox, or Coach Kat's Cooking Course. OR jump straight to the video you need most right now, for example emotional eating, conquering cravings, mastering your motivation, etc.
Inside you'll get access to every program I ever have or ever will create, membership in a private community where you can get accountability and coaching from me and your fellow Club members, extended episodes of the podcast, live challenges and masterclasses throughout the year, cooking demos, recipes, and more!
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The information shared in this blog and podcast are intended for informational purposes only. They are not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any health conditions and you should always consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet or exercise routine.