Last week we started a conversation all about the power of habits.
When we’re “on a diet” we have to use a ton of mental energy and willpower to make it from one day to another. But when you understand how to instead build healthy habits, living a healthy lifestyle becomes second nature.
It’s no longer something you do, it’s who you are. And that is the ultimate goal and the ultimate recipe for long term results.
If you missed us going over the anatomy of a habit, head back to episode 243.
If you’re all caught up and are ready to charge forward, we’re about to dive into how to successfully implement the habits we talked about last week as well as what to do if you continue to run into roadblocks when working on your habits.
As Jillian Michaels says, if you have a strong enough why you can tolerate any how. Your brain is constantly weighing the cost to benefit of doing anything. If it views the cost as higher, you simply won’t do it.
This is why we talked about creating short-term rewards for your habits last week, it’s why I always emphasize finding fun in the process, and it’s why you need to dig deep into why you want to achieve your goals. How does your life change when you get there? You need to stack a lot in the benefits category to make the effort worth it to your brain.
When we talk about habits we really are talking about the fabric of our very identity. Are you doing a fitness program right now, or are you someone who works out? Are you following a diet? Or are you someone who eats healthy?
A good exercise to get clarity on what habits you should be focusing on is asking yourself what current habits you have that don’t align with who you want to be. And then ask what habits you don’t have that do align with who you want to be.
This is pretty straight forward, I should be able to tell what your goals are by looking at your calendar/planner.
As James Clear says, “The first minute of action is worth more than a year of perfect planning.”
Keep gym equipment easily accessible, keep healthy options in the house at all times, keep a set of workout clothes in the car, put your tennis shoes by the door, and leave a water bottle on the counter. Don’t put any obstacles, even small ones, between you and your desired habit.
Feeling motivated to get to work changing your habits to make healthy living easier?
Well what better way to do that than with my Back to School and Back on the Bandwagon challenge?? You'll spend 6 weeks with me, learning and implementing my healthy habits formula so you can reach your goals without having to constantly rely on restrictive diets and crazy food rules.
We'll be diving deep into the topics that show up in my practice again and again. Things like how to meal prep without spending hours in the kitchen, overcoming cravings without willpower, learning how to stay consistent through busy seasons, travel, nights out, etc, and overcoming diet confusion and information overload.
You'll get loads of recipes, live calls with me, a weekly action plan, access to a supportive community, and more! Click here for more info and to save your spot!
Not a Club member yet but want to hear the full episode including how to troubleshoot when you just can't get a habit to stick? Join the fun right here! In addition to extended episodes you'll get access to all of my nutrition programs, amazing recipes, the Back on the Bandwagon Fall Challenge, and a community and coach to hold you accountable all for less than a dollar a day.
The Club Members: You can find the full episode inside The Vault. Just head to the 'Habit Change and Personal Development' module. After listening, pop into our community and share your biggest take away and one action step you're going to take this week to get back to your healthy habits!
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Think about it like a gym membership but instead of building muscles you're building healthy habits. Follow one of my pre-set programs like Follow Your Gut, The Hormone Belly Blueprint, Unleash Your Transformation, The Diet-Free Weight Loss Masterclass, The Fad Diet Detox, or Coach Kat's Cooking Course. OR jump straight to the video you need most right now, for example emotional eating, conquering cravings, mastering your motivation, etc.
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The information shared in this blog and podcast are intended for informational purposes only. They are not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any health conditions and you should always consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet or exercise routine.