I feel like the new year brings with it a conundrum. On the one hand, I think we’re all burned out on setting resolutions. One too many times we’ve found ourselves feeling like a failure come February.
Who wants to relive that shame spiral for the 100th time?
On the other hand, there’s an undeniable shift in the air. We become more reflective around this time of year, thinking about what we want for ourselves in the coming months. And that clean slate is so damn appealing to start anew.
So what’s a girl to do?
In years past, I traded a resolution for a word of phrase of the year. A practice I still find helpful. But this year, I’m stealing an idea from a friend of mine. I’m declaring...
Haste. There’s an anxious energy that I bring to my work, to dating, and to anything I’m trying to make happen on a shortened timeline. Every good thing in my life has happened at exactly the right time. I want to trust in that divine timing and stop trying to assert control by rushing the process.
In 2024, my new year phrase was ‘main character energy’, harkening back to the conversation Iris had with Arthur in The Holiday where he points out that while she’s clearly a leading lady, she’s behaving like the best friend.
I started showing up as the “main character” in my business, dating, and friendships and it’s brought me so many more opportunities and connections than I ever would have experienced otherwise.
Adventure is the word that comes to mind. I want to travel more - even if only for short staycations and day trips. I want to go to more of the restaurants I’ve saved in my Dallas folder on Instagram instead of my 5 go-to spots. I want to join a run club, because why not. And I want to get out and go dancing more! They say variety is the spice of life and while I love my routines, I’ve gotten into a bit of a rut with them as of late.
Now it’s your turn. What are you leaving behind? What are you keeping? And what are you adding in to make your 2025 a movie worth watching?
If you're having a hard time coming up with your own, I’m sharing a plethora of ideas in the extended episode inside my membership program, The Club. Which incidentally is the perfect place to hold yourself accountable to whatever intentions you set for yourself for the new year. Click here for more info and jump inside. Just head to the 'Mindset Matters' Module inside the Club to check out the full episode.
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