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Episode 30: Year in Review: My Mistakes, Lessons, and Triumphs from 2019

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Last year at this time I was attempting to launch Fit for Life Academy, an online program I spent 6 months planning for and building out. The launch bombed and I never touched it again.

  • Lesson: Stop thinking that just because something doesn't work the first time, it means it's wrong or wasn't meant to be. Persistence, persistence, persistence is key.

I hired my first business coach who helped me get my fitness business largely online (yey), but at the cost of me feeling aligned with my brand. I never wanted to promote 'tight, toned tummies' I wanted to have a much larger conversation and appeal to a much higher ambition.

  • Lesson: Also stop thinking that just because something does work the first time means it's the right thing for you. If you're not aligned with what you're doing, you'll never feel truly fulfilled.

Enter my journey with my now business coaches, Vito and Anna, who helped me 'unleash' my vision at Visionary in the Vineyards where Eat N Run Fitness became the Unleashed brand.

  • Lesson: Invest in yourself and hire a damn coach. Think you can't afford one? Find one you can afford. I promise they're out there and they will cut your learning curve in half. 

I thought launching the Unleash brand was reaching a sort of conclusion in my business, but really it was the birthing of an entirely new one and it came with so much turmoil, experimentation, doubt, fear, trial, error, triumph, and growth.

  • Lesson: Action is great. But action without clarity of direction is a long road to nowhere. Take time, get quiet, and get crystal clear on exactly what you want.

Last year at this time Bryan and I had just gotten back together.

  • Lesson: Open your damn mouth. Say the things that are hard to say, have the conversations that are hard to have, lay it all out on the floor because whether your relationship succeeds or fails, you'll have no regrets because you were you. 

This was the year that I went on group retreats, joined the Dallas Girl Gang, invited someone I admired on Instagram to lunch, and generally made a bigger effort to expand my social circle. 

  • Lesson: If you want your life to be richer without making a dime more, surround yourself with people who are absolute gems. 

This was the year I started my podcast. 

  • Lesson: Pay attention to where and how you naturally shine, then replicate that situation. 

This was the year that I traveled more than any other year in my life.

  • Lesson: When you get super focused on a goal, the universe will provide. Also, for the love of God stop spending money on expensive meals and clothes and invest in travel. An outfit can be cute, a meal can be tasty, but a trip can be life changing. 

This was the year that I finally put my Hashimoto's into remission.

  • Lesson: It doesn't matter how long it takes. Abundant health is worth every sacrifice, every dollar spent, every minute used to achieve it. 

Decade in review lesson: 10 years ago I was a senior in high school, still an introvert, still a people-pleaser, in a terrible relationship, with no clue what I was going to do with my life. Everything about my life and myself has changed over the last decade, and yet now I compare myself to people 10 years older. Stop comparing! It is the thief of joy!


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