So you want to lose weight, you're ready to take your fitness goals off the back burner, and kick your butt into gear. And low and behold, like an answer to your prayers, you see an ad for the newest diet that promises you'll drop 20 pounds in your first month, and all you have to do is (fill in the blank).
You've been here before. Sometimes the fill in the blank is simple and straight forward, like cutting out all added sugar. Sometimes it's gross like only drinking a concoction of lemon and cayenne pepper when you feel like you're about to pass out. And sometimes it's just plain dangerous like dropping your calories to 500 while getting shot up with hormones.
You follow the protocol for a week or a month, or maybe even 6 months. But eventually you hit the same wall. Your cravings get to be too much, you feel too deprived, you miss your old way of eating, and so you run back to it. And promptly regain all the weight you worked so hard to take off.
I assume if you're here right now, you recognize this cycle. And it's the cycle that's going to keep you fat, it's going to keep you sluggish, and it's going to keep you in a shame spiral about how you're a failure when it comes to your own body.
Enough is enough.
Before you get swept up by the next crazy fad diet and all its empty promises, go through these 4 mental shifts so you can reclaim your sanity, your body, and your confidence.
We often remember feeling and looking good, but we forget what steps it took to get there.
We're drawn in by the siren song of the newest fad diet because it's new and it promises the quickest way to the body we want, even though years of experience have shown us they don't actually work.
Most people say they'd do anything to lose weight, so they have no problem picking out some extreme plan that has you cutting out entire food groups.
But at some point, they're hit in the face with the reality that they aren't willing to never eat bread or pasta again. So they give up all together and say 'I can't lose weight.' It's not that you can't lose weight, it's that you keep picking crappy programs to follow.
You have to be realistic about balancing your expectations for how you look with how much work you're willing to put in. Because if you want a 6-pack, you're not going to get it working out a few times per week and having wine with most dinners.
This is what I pride myself on in my programs. Giving you a diet plan and workouts to follow is great, and they may work for a time. But if you aren't learning how to build habits that stick, if you aren't being shown how to manage the emotions that lead you to stress eat, if you aren't being given tools to overcome your lack of motivation, lack of time, or lack of energy, you're going to stay on the weight loss scary-go-round forever.
If that's not what you want, if you're tired of bouncing from diet to diet, and sick of dealing with the disappointment of the weight creeping back on, I have 3 spots open in my 3-month Unleash Your Transformation program.
What can you expect during those 3 months? Weight is going to start falling off as we take the first month to hit the reset button on your metabolism, hormones, and gut health that have all been damaged by years of yo-yo dieting.
You'll finally be given the tools to pull your motivation out of the dumps, take action even when your day gets thrown off course, and release the 'I'll start on Monday' mentality that's hindering your progress.
And you are seriously going to experience more energy and vitality than you thought you could have as an adult.
Plus, I'm going to show you how to lose weight and keep it off using simple daily habits that have a profound impact not only on the scale but on your wellbeing as a whole.
Want to be one of the three that makes it in?
Click the link below and schedule your application call. And remember, I don't coach people who are just looking for a quick fix. I coach people who are willing to do the real work to transform their body and their life. So only apply if you are serious about changing your life, and committed to doing what it takes to take your body back.
If you're loving these episodes, you'll love the customized advice you'll get on a free 'Kickstart Your Weight Loss' call with me! Click here to schedule yours now 😉
Click here to join my Kick the Anxiety fitness challenge where we're using fitness, food, self-care, and support as powerful tools to shift from anxious and out-of-control stressed to calm and back in command of our emotions and day (while also transforming our bodies).
Have you been struggling to reach your weight loss and wellness goals? And are you tired of all the BS gimmicks and fad diets out there? Ready to work with a coach who's going to help you not just get results, but keep them by addressing the real problems standing in your way? (hint: it isn't whether you eat carbs or not). Click here to discover which of my programs is right for you.
Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, or join my #badasswarrior tribe in my free Facebook group!
Click here to get 15% off your first Fre Skincare Set! It's designed for skin that sweats.
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