You know that amazing feeling when everything just seems to flow in your life? Opportunities keep presenting themselves, you consistently are in the right place at the right time, you're connecting with people, and things just feel easy.
And then you know when you're feeling completely out of alignment? You feel stuck, nothing seems to be going right, everything is a slog, it feels like you can't catch a break, and you feel like you're constantly behind the eight ball.
What if I told you there is a scientifically backed (but also kind of woo woo) way to enter into that flow state more consistently so you can fulfill the potential you know you have inside you with more ease and joy?
It sounds crazy and far too good to be true, but after my interview with Human Design Expert (and molecular biologist I might add) Michelle Smith, I'm convinced.
I honestly don't want to go too into detail here because you have to hear it from the genius herself. But I promise after listening to this episode you're going to understand:
Want to book a Human Design reading with Michelle? Click here to reach out to her on Instagram!
If you're loving these episodes, you'll love the customized advice you'll get on a free 'Kickstart Your Weight Loss' call with me! Click here to schedule yours now 😉
Click here to book a complimentary consultation if you want to lose weight and keep it off without restrictive dieting!
Need help getting back on track with your healthy habits? Join me for my free, 30-day, 5-for-5 Feel Good Instagram Challenge! Every day, we'll commit to doing 5 minutes of meditation, journaling, movement, creating, and reading. All you do is take a screen shot of the photo below, fill it in with what you did each day, post it to IG stories, and tag me @katspanglerunleashed so I can shout you out and cheer you on!
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