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Whole30 Dill Zoodles with Baked Salmon

I'm a girl of habit and can get in the same food routine very easily. So it makes me exceptionally happy when I venture out, try a new recipe, and love it enough to add it to my "regulars" list.

This Whole30 baked salmon and dill zoodles recipe, which I found on, can be served hot as a "pasta" dish or cold as a salad, and tastes just as good either way.

It's very bright and zesty in flavor and has a beautiful mix of textures. Bon appetit!


2 large zucchini, spirilized or shredded into noodles (I just used my cheese grater)

juice and zest of 1 small lemon (be sure not to get the white of the rind, very very bitter)

2 tbsp red wine vinegar

1/4 cup olive oil

1 tsp Italian seasoning

3/4 tsp salt

1/4 cup fresh dill

1 cup peas, thawed if frozen

2 wild caught salmon fillets, seasoned with salt and pepper

  1. Set your oven to 350.
  2. In a strainer, add zoodles and toss with salt (to help pull some water out, making your dish less soupy).
  3. Put salmon on a lightly oiled baking sheet, and bake for 15 minutes or until desired doneness.
  4. While the zucchini sits and the salmon bakes, add the dressing ingredients (lemon through dill) in a large bowl and whisk together.
  5. Squeeze the zucchini with some paper towels to get excess water out.
    1. If eating cold, just put the zucchini and the peas in the bowl with the dressing and toss to combine.
    2. If eating warm, place the zoodles and peas in a pan over medium-low heat with a drizzle of olive oil and lightly heat through.
  6. Combine the zoodles, peas, and dressing. Follow by flaking in the salmon, and tossing to combine. 

The first night I ate this dish warm, and then I held onto some leftovers and had them cold. It was so good, I'm doubling the recipe next time to make it last longer!


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