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Healthy Fetuccini Alfredo?!

I don't know the last time I was this excited about a dish...

 I rarely have cravings for gluten and dairy-laden dishes anymore, but this New Year's Eve I was struck with this ridiculous desire for fetuccini alfredo (a dish I probably haven't had in 15 years), and I was determined to find a recipe I could actually eat.

Guys. This recipe was so freaking good, you could've fooled me that it was the real deal! Plus it literally took less than 20 minutes to make.

And I have to tell you, the sauce was so incredible, I poured it over my eggs the next morning --- yeah, I have a problem.

So whether you have a gluten and dairy allergy like me or you just want a healthy twist on this classically unhealthy dish, give this super simple, easy-to-make recipe a shot! 

 1 cup cashews (covered in boiling water 30 minutes)

2 tbsp nutritional yeast

4 cloves garlic

1/8 tsp garlic powder

1 tbsp + 1 quick squeeze of lemon juice

3/4-1 tsp salt

1/2 c lite coconut milk + 1/4 c water

1. Blend all ingredients together until creamy in a high powered blender.

2. Pour it over Jovial gluten-free fetuccini (thus far, the best brand of gluten-free pasta I've found), or even make it paleo by using spaghetti squash instead! 

3. Finish it off by topping it with a dash of fresh or dried basil. 

Bon appetit!

p.s. Shoot me a comment down below if you try it! I'd love to hear what you think!

p.p.s. This may not be for you, but if you love the idea of losing weight and still being able to enjoy your favorite dishes like the one above, if you want to get fit without having to slog away in the gym for an hour every day, and if you want to get your head in the game to finally look and feel better, you might want to take a peak at Fit for Life Academy, and let me know if you have any questions :)


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