Hey love! In case you missed the announcement, this week I'm hosting a 7 day FREE TRAINING on Instagram LIVE all about how to Discover your Power, Find your Purpose, and Ignite your Passion.
And tonight we started with how to unlock your motivation. Here you'll find a recap of the free trainings, and the live recording above, so enjoy :)
And don't forget to join me live at 7 pm CST May 28th - June 3rd on Instagram if you want the chance to interact live with me, earn some points and win some cool prizes (details to come).
But without further ado, let's dive into tonight's training review.
1. Waiting for the right time.
How often do you have a spark of motivation but it's not the right time to start that business. Or you think, when you have more money to hire a trainer, then you'll lose weight. Or maybe once your kids are graduated, you'll find time for yourself again.
Not going to cut it. If there is one thing I know, it's that there will NEVER be the perfect situation. You just have to commit to taking brave action. Period.
2. Thinking it’s too late.
This happens when you're looking backward at all the work you've done to get where you are, and can't imagine having to "start over." So you let it kill your drive to make a change.
But you aren't starting over. You have years of experience and growth under your belt, and you are much better equipped for achieving your goals.
I love the quote, "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."
3. Letting the judgement of others affect you.
If you are stuck in your head worrying about what anyone else will think of your goals, your dreams, your actions, you will always stay stuck in inaction.
Unless they are living your life, they don't have a say in your life.
Be so damn focused on your growth, your journey, your life, that their opinions become barely a whistle in the wind.
Ok, now that we've tackled the 3 mindset shifts you need to make before you even start trying to build up your motivation, let's talk about what motivation is...
Motivation is gaining power over your life because you know exactly what you’re fighting for. Motivation acts as your shield against self doubt, set backs, and debbie-downers. It is the vision for a better future that drives you through the storm.
Now many of us have no problem getting that first spark of motivation, it's maintaining it that's the problem.
Why is keeping motivation humming along so hard?
So you want to lose weight, why? Because you want to look good? Ok, but why do you want to look good?
To gain more confidence, to feel more worthy, to be a role model for your kids, to have sex with the lights on?
Once you figure out that deeper calling and create a vivid picture in your head about exactly how your life will change with accomplishing your goal, you'll be much better able to hold steady when you normally would give up.
If you aren’t passionate and borderline desperate about reaching your goal, chances are good you’ll give up when life gets in the way.
Now in my Health & Happiness Accelerator course, there’s an entire module dedicated to increasing the time you have in a day to work on you, but here are 2 quick tips:
Motivation is highly associated with dopamine. If you despise every step of the process, there's no way you’re staying motivated. Your brain needs rewards.
So if it’s fitness, find classes or sports you enjoy or find new healthy recipes to try. Don’t make the mistake of weight lifting and eating chicken and broccoli all day long if that sounds like a medieval form of torture.
Another way of tapping that dopamine hit is giving yourself small goals to hit so you can celebrate the small wins.
Download these UNLEASH Journal Pages and fill out the first 2 questions to help you identify YOUR deeper motivators and purpose.
If you share your journal (you can totally block out the writing) to Instagram and tag me @katspanglerunleashed, you'll earn 1 point towards the prizes... so here's how it works.
As you go through this 7 day training series, you're going to get revved up about making some big changes in your life, but I just about guarantee you'll run into these issues:
So in my 30 day Health & Happiness Accelerator Course, we’re going to tackle all of those challenges.
I'll give you a SIMPLE step-by step-plan and the support you need to win back your time, wake up with energy, stress less, and quit the people-pleasing game so you can be free to create a life YOU love.
In the future this program is going to be $197, but for my first ever group I’m offering it up for 75% off which drops it down to $49.25!!
I'm only taking 10 people because I want it to feel very intimate and I want you to feel like you’re able to get a lot of my attention as your coach.
And not to worry, if you want to sign up now and snag your spot, but you end up winning the most points this week, I’ll just refund you the extra amount you paid.
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