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Episode 96: Is Your Weight Set Point Keeping You Stuck?

Mar 30, 2021

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Do you ever feel like your body is legitimately fighting against your weight loss efforts? Like every pound is a struggle to lose, and even if you do hit your goal weight, just a slight deviation in your diet or a week off of working out sends the scale soaring back up?

You're not crazy, what you're experiencing is weight set point. 

What is weight set point?

Your body has an intrinsic weight that it likes to hover around (plus or minus a few pounds) that is determined at birth. But over the course of years of...

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Episode 95: Intuitive Eating 101

Mar 23, 2021

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Can you imagine a world where weight loss happens without counting calories? Where food no longer consumes your thoughts? Where treats happen without guilt? Where you feel in control of your cravings? Where you don't have to pick between your goal weight and your favorite foods? Where becoming your healthiest, fittest self is actually enjoyable?

Believe it or not, all of that can be your reality. The key to claiming it as such? Intuitive eating. 

What is intuitive eating? According to Healthline,...

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Episode 94: Healing Your Metabolism with Reverse Dieting

Mar 16, 2021

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What is reverse dieting?

Reverse dieting is exactly what it sounds like. Instead of decreasing your calories like you would on a diet, you slowly and strategically increase calories over time with the goal of increasing your metabolism and fat-burning potential.

During a reverse diet you will often shift away from cardio and emphasize weight training as a way to tell your body to partition the excess calories towards building lean muscle instead of storing it as fat.

The end...

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Episode 93: Struggling to Become the 'New You'?

Mar 09, 2021

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We all have a version of ourselves we're trying to become: thinner, richer, healthier, happier, more motivated, more loving, more brave.  

We know where we want to be, we know we aren't happy with where we are, but sometimes we can't figure out how to get from here to there. 

It's one thing to make a change for a day, or a week, or a month. But how do you go from working out a few times here and there, to becoming someone who works out whether the motivation is there or not?

It's one thing to...

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Episode 92: How to Stop Going 'Full Fuck It' After One Cheat

Mar 02, 2021

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Just a few days ago I ordered a Hopdoddy burger and truffle fries for lunch. A few years ago, here's how the rest of the day would've gone down:

Well, I already screwed up my diet for the day, might as well eat some ice cream too, I'll start back strong tomorrow...

But now that I had ice cream I want something salty (eats handfuls of chips out of the bag standing in the pantry looking at what other cheats I can have. Grabs the box of cookies and starts mowing through those too). 

Hours later laying in bed: I'm such a...

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Episode 90: Overcoming Post-Keto Carb Fear

Feb 16, 2021

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I can't begin to tell you how many clients come to me post-keto, sick and tired of following such a restrictive diet, looking for a more balanced, sustainable way to lose weight, but unable to shake the fear of carbs that keto instilled in them. 

What I find food fear truly stems from is either a lack of information, or misinformation spread about a particular food (and keto has mastered the art of misinformation). 

So let's clear some things up around how carbs actually affect the...

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Episode 88: Do You Eat When You're Bored? Here Are My Top 5 Ways to Break the Habit!

Feb 02, 2021

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Sometimes I feel like it comes across as if I don’t ever struggle with cravings, or emotional eating, or portion control. But trust me, even this nutrition coach still faces the same challenges you do from time to time.

Case in point, just a few days ago, as a rather uneventful weekend came to a close, I found myself bored as f**********ck. Again and again, I kept hopping off the couch to go peer into my pantry, looking for something to munch on. 

Ya’ll let me tell you, had I been relying...

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Episode 87: The Oldest Diet in the World and Why It Still Can't Be Beat!

Jan 26, 2021

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‘Eat more whole foods’ has become one of those weight loss platitudes that tends to go in one ear and out the other. Why? Because that truism has been around since the beginning of time (you know, when we had no option BUT to eat whole foods).

But if you struggle with cravings, if you struggle with weight that won’t seem to come off, if you find yourself constantly thinking about food, ‘eat more whole foods’ may be the most important advice you could employ to turn the...

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Episode 86: Never Binge Again. Understanding Sugar Addiction, the Gut-Craving Connection, and How to Take Back Control.

Jan 19, 2021

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Do you feel out of control around certain foods?

Do you wish you could 'just have one' and move on with your day?

Do you find yourself on the hunt for sugar or carbs after a long, stressful day?

Then you're gonna want to listen to this episode to discover my GEES Method for figuring out where those uncontrollable food cravings come from and what you can finally do to get rid of them!

p.s. For today only, I'm opening up ONE more spot for Unleash Your Transformation, my 90-day program to lose...

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Episode 85: Controlling Your Chaos. How to Lose Weight When Life Goes Haywire.

Jan 12, 2021

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Have you ever started on fitness journey, fully committed, maybe even saw results, and then life happened and knocked you off course? Maybe you got a promotion, moved, got in a relationship, or got out of a relationship, and suddenly you look up and realize you’ve had take out every night this week or you haven’t done a single workout. And you just sort of throw up your hands in defeat.

Do you find yourself constantly pulled in a million directions? Your to-do list is endless, people constantly need...

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