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Follow Your Gut

Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 75: How to Eat MORE Calories (and Speed Your Metabolism) Without Reaching for Junk

Nov 03, 2020

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Between diet culture constantly telling us to eat less and move more, trends like intermittent fasting limiting the hours we can eat, and trying to include more and more plants in our diet, it can be shockingly hard to get ENOUGH calories in to lose weight. 

Believe me, I know that sounds bananas and borderline like an oxymoron, but it's true. You can eat TOO LITTLE, slow down your metabolism, and bring your weight loss to a standstill.

Truth be told, the clients that come to me struggling with...

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Episode 72: Burn Fat Faster by Avoiding These 3 Common Weight Loss Mistakes!

Oct 13, 2020

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Who wants to literally burn more fat while they sleep? If you’re shaking your hand high in the sky right now going ‘me me me me me!’ you’re going to want to listen to this episode. It will save you from turning your weight loss journey into an unnecessary uphill battle.

If you know me you know how much I hate diet culture. We’re berated with advice that’ll help us ‘lose 10 pounds in 5 days’, but what’s left out is the fact that those very tips are slowing our...

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Episode 60: 3 MUST DO'S to Lose Weight with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

Jul 21, 2020

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In my early years of hypothyroidism, before I was even aware I had Hashimoto’s, I hated my body. I despised the little ring of fat around my tummy, my soft arms, and the stretch marks starting to form on my inner thighs. 

But I’m no victim, I wasn’t going to just stand there and let my thyroid dictate what I looked like. So I got to work. 2-a-day workouts were my norm, combining strength and cardio to burn off every bit of fat I could. I treated carbs like they were the enemy, waiting for me to...

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Episode 50: 4 Reasons Your Metabolism is Shot and You Can't Lose Weight

May 12, 2020

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Last week, we talked all about what mental shifts you need to make to get off the yoyo diet train.

But if you've been on that sucker for a while and you've spent years cutting calories, cutting food groups, and increasing your workouts, chances are pretty good your metabolism is all kinds of jacked up. 

I see it all the time with new clients, they come to me saying things like, "I only eat 1200 calories per day and workout hard 7 days per week, but I can't lose an ounce."

Yup, that's extreme diets at...

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