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Follow Your Gut

Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 227: 4 Steps to Living Symptom Free with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (Part 2)

Mar 05, 2024

Last week I shared the first two steps of living a symptom-free life with Hashimoto's. These are the steps I parsed down from 2 decades of my own trial and error, literally hundreds of hours of research, time working with a number of functional medicine practitioners, over a decade of working 1:1 with clients, and expanding my knowledge with programs like Functional Diagnostic Nutrition, Gut Honest Truth Academy, Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and Functional Nutrition Alliance. 

I wish I had a shortcut when I was first...

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Episode 204: Is Leaky Gut to Blame for Autoimmune Disease?

Jul 11, 2023

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 I was diagnosed with hashimoto’s thyroiditis (an autoimmune disease of the thyroid) as a sophomore in college. 

I got the call from my doctor while I was standing outside Mother's Market. I remember the shock hit first. Then I forcefully pushed the tears down that threatened to embarrass me in public. 

I thought it was a life sentence. Something that would keep me stuck dealing with fatigue, stubborn weight, and hair loss for the rest of my life. 


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Episode 167: 6 Proven Ways to Boost Your Immune System Naturally

Aug 23, 2022

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With fall around the corner and another uptick in covid cases, I thought it was about time to dedicate a podcast episode to improving your immune health. 

I can tell you from experience, my immune system used to be shot. 

I got bronchitis multiple times per year.

Whenever I did get sick it would linger for weeks, if not months.

And I landed myself an autoimmune disease. (I know, good times!)

These days, my Hashimoto's is in remission, I get sick maybe once per year, more often than not I can stop an...

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Episode 48: 'It's Probably Leaky Gut' with Holistic Nutritionist Megan Kelly

Apr 28, 2020

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Have you ever experienced symptoms that you couldn't explain?

Has a doctor ever prescribed you medicine to mask your symptoms without really knowing the cause?

Have you ever had the joy of dealing with adult acne, eczema, psoriasis, diarrhea, fatigue, bloating, constipation, thyroid issues, autoimmune diseases, bloating, headaches, foggy headedness, PCOS, food sensitivities, diabetes, joint pain, and/or other inflammatory conditions?

Believe it or not, it could all be pointing back to your gut. Your ...

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