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Episode 217: Your Holiday Survival Guide: 12 Health Hacks to Avoid Eater's Remorse

Nov 14, 2023

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It's that time again, the holiday season is officially upon us and here is my holiday vision for you:

You go through your days enjoying seasonal treats without stress, regret, or going overboard.

You effortlessly navigate holiday parties, family gatherings, and travel.

You enter into the new year feeling good in your skin but not feeling like you had to deprive yourself to get there. 

How do we make that happen? By following my 12 holiday hacks! 

1. Make small swaps in your favorite recipes...

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Episode 192: 6 Ways to Celebrate Life Without Junk Food

Mar 07, 2023

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Do you ever get stuck in the middle between your ideal body and your ideal lifestyle?

Like, you want to be lean, and toned, and feel good in your skin, but you also want to relax and enjoy having fun with friends and family -  celebrating birthdays, holidays, and heck, making it to the weekend. 

Well, this is where that all-to-common all-or-nothing thinking comes into play. We think we have to either be super strict with our food and have the body we want or we can have fun...

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Episode 34: The 80/20 Rule to Excel in Health, Business, and Love

Jan 21, 2020

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"Balance is not something you find. It's something you create." -Jana Kingsford


  • The 80/20 rule at play: 80% of what you eat is healthy and 'on plan', 20% of what you eat is for 'fun'.
  • How to know you're in 'the zone':
    • You feel energized.
    • You're confident in your ability to maintain your routine.
    • You're seeing results without feeling deprived. 
  • How to know you're off:
    • You stop seeing results.
    • Old symptoms come back like lethargy, digestive upset, or cravings.
    • You feel out of control or like you're swinging...
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