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Episode 234: Kat Finally Weighs in on Ozempic

May 21, 2024

A client of mine recently had lunch with a friend who complimented her on her now-leaner physique. 

In the past, the most common follow up question in this kind of exchange would have been, "What diet are you on?" 

But instead, her first instinct was to ask, "Are you on Ozempic?"

This is beyond concerning and tells me one thing: we are clearly not learning from our past. 

It's like we're the girl who keeps getting drawn into relationships with toxic guys, each time thinking, "This time it'll be different."

Right now...

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Episode 190: Coffee... Friend or Foe?

Feb 21, 2023

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Sometimes the more you dig into nutrition studies, the more confused you become. 

I could find you literally hundreds of articles proving that alcohol has health benefits as well as hundreds of articles proving that you should never have a sip of alcohol again. 

Same can be said for fat, carbs, fasting, soy, dairy, grains... the debates on what's good vs evil are endless. 

But one controversial drink hits a little too close to home for many of us....

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Episode 168: Control Your Blood Sugar, Control Your Weight?

Aug 30, 2022

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Do you ever experience any of these symptoms? (I'm willing to place a large wager that your answer will be yes.)

  • Headaches
  • Brain fog

  • Fatigue

  • Sugar/Carb cravings

  • PMS

  • Waking throughout the night

  • Frequent infections

  • Shakiness

  • Nausea 

  • Irritability or anxiety

  • Stubborn weight

Borderline seems like an I'm-just-getting-older checklist, doesn't it? But just because an ailment is common or normal for you, doesn't mean it's actually normal. 

So what do all of these symptoms have in common? They...

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Episode 140: Sugar Alternatives... The Good, The Bad, and the Yucky.

Feb 15, 2022

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Sugar alternatives. They seem like a good idea... Some boast they don't raise your blood sugar. Many have zero calories. Sounds like the perfect weight loss ingredient, right?

Well, the truth is... it depends. 

Because just like not all carbs are created equal, not all sugar alternatives are created equal. And while some are perfectly safe to enjoy in small amounts, others should be avoided like the plague. 

So here are some things I want you to keep in mind before we dive...

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Episode 124: Is Sugar REALLY That Bad?? (Halloween Edition)

Oct 19, 2021

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It was the first week of November, 2003. I was 11 years old and had my stash of Halloween candy stuffed into the corner of my closet.

I was old enough that my mom didn't throw part of it away or moderate my intake, so I did what a lot of kids would do at one of their first chances at unlimited candy... I ate it. All of it. 

Each night after dinner when everyone had gone to bed, I would pull out the giant bag, put it on my bed, and eat while watching Nick at Night. 

This was the first time I ever abused...

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Episode 122: Starch... Superfood or Super Villain?

Oct 05, 2021

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When you hear the word starch, what do you think of? Pasta, bread, white rice? Weight gain? Blood sugar spikes?

Starch has gotten a bad rap, and in some instances for good reason. The starch in processed carbs breaks down into glucose and does spike blood sugar and contributes to diseases like diabetes and obesity. 

But just like not all carbs are created equal, not all starch is created equal.

Resistant starch is starch that acts like soluble fiber in that it isn't digested in the small intestine by...

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Episode 117: Does Fruit Make You Fat? Science Says...

Aug 31, 2021

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I can't count how many times in my career I've uttered the words, "No one is fat because of eating bananas."

I actually remember the first time I said it.

I had a client who ate virtually every meal out, who regularly drank 4-5 artificially sweetened ice teas at one sitting, and who was just getting into a workout routine.

They had a solid 60 pounds to lose and when I told them to eat a banana to fuel their workout their response was, "Don't bananas have a lot of sugar??"

Honestly, it hurt my...

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Control Your Blood Sugar, Control Your Weight

Aug 30, 2018

Rather listen than read? Click the video above.

If you remember, back in my Candid About Keto post I explained the different mechanisms at play in weight loss success with the keto diet and I told you I would create a mini series on how to create those effects without tying yourself to the dangers of keto. 

So here is weight loss mechanism number two: balancing your blood sugar.

Note: If you missed weight loss strategy number one, check out this post and get your freebie all about calorie deficits).

Why is...
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