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Episode 220: Nutrition 101 - Simplifying the Science of Eating Well (Part 3)

Jan 02, 2024

In this 3-part series I'm taking the confusion and overwhelm out of nutrition by sharing some universal truths about the three macronutrients: protein, carbs, and, fat (and how too much or too little of each will impact the body).

Plus we'll dive into some very basic habits anyone and everyone would benefit from adopting! 

In case you missed it, here's part 1 on protein and here's part 2 on fat, pop on back and listen before diving into today's episode!

Macronutrient #3: Carbs

Carbs are broken down into glucose in...

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Episode 90: Overcoming Post-Keto Carb Fear

Feb 16, 2021

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I can't begin to tell you how many clients come to me post-keto, sick and tired of following such a restrictive diet, looking for a more balanced, sustainable way to lose weight, but unable to shake the fear of carbs that keto instilled in them. 

What I find food fear truly stems from is either a lack of information, or misinformation spread about a particular food (and keto has mastered the art of misinformation). 

So let's clear some things up around how carbs actually affect the...

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Episode 53: 4 Reasons to Break Up with Low Carb Diets (According to Science)

Jun 02, 2020

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A few weeks ago, my friend Doug reached out to me wondering why he actually got more shredded while eating more carbs during quarantine.

This may sound totally counterintuitive, especially in the age of keto where 'experts' would have you believe that low carb is the best way to go if your primary goal is weight loss. 

But as per usual, the weight loss industry loves highlighting the quick fix side of these trends, while ignoring the long term implications on your health and weight...

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