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Episode 237: Are PEMF Mats a Valuable Healing Tool or Waste of Money?

Jul 09, 2024


When you see the laundry list of health benefits you can experience from a PEMF mat, you can't help but feel your inner skeptic peering around the corner to investigate. 

I myself have a strong bullshit radar and am extremely wary of wellness fads. But recently I was in a functional nutrition course run by a functional medicine practitioner who I highly respect, and when she mentioned that hypothyroid patients could benefit from the use of a PEMF mat, my ears perked up. 

Believe it or not, I immediately ordered one -...

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Episode 233: 13 Ways to Pull Yourself Out of a Funk (Part 2)

May 14, 2024

This week we continue the conversation of how to get yourself to a better place when it feels like life is just... heavy. 

If you missed part one, click here to take a listen, otherwise go ahead and dive right in! 

7. Workout (don't skip this one). 

Again, there will probably be a lot of resistance here. But working out is such a fantastic way to shift you into a better state of mind for so many reasons. You get a boost of happiness hormones like dopamine, you increase your energy, you get to listen to that badass...

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Episode 151: What is EFT Tapping and How Can it Help You Reach Your Goals?

May 03, 2022

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Have you ever heard of tapping?
I had seen it around social media and heard about it from a few friends where you tap on various meridian points throughout your body (you know, like in acupuncture) while repeating certain phrases. 
Supposedly it can help with limiting beliefs, trauma, anxiety, depression, and even food cravings.
But honestly, I was a bit of a skeptic. 
That is until a few weeks ago when one of the girls in my business mastermind connected me...
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Episode 150: Can Food Sensitivities Impact Your Weight??

Apr 26, 2022

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When I was a young dancer, all I wanted was the body to match the hobby.
I looked at the toned abs of my older sister with envy and lamented the soft stomach I saw highlighted in my leotard.
At the time I was dancing regularly and working out outside of classes. I was constantly reading nutrition books, jumping on and off diets, promising myself I wouldn't eat pretzels, carbs, sugar, fill-in-the-blank. 
It seemed no matter what I did, I would never have the body I dreamed...
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Episode 142: Lessons From My Therapist

Mar 01, 2022

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I thought I had my shit together. 

I mean honestly... I had stopped dating assholes, I was a generally pretty happy person, I had a thriving business, and a good family. 

So why the hell did I need to see a therapist?

Because somewhere along the way I realized fear was running almost every part of my life.

Sure on the outside everything seemed fine, even to me!

But upon closer inspection (which let's face it, the pandemic kind of forced us into such reflection), I realized that I...

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Episode 112: How Trauma Affects Your Brain (Willpower May Not Be Your Problem After All)

Jul 20, 2021

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For years I've said that the negative emotions and experiences we don't process and release get stored in the body. Sometimes as fat, sometimes as illness, sometimes as injury.

It always sounded 'woo woo' when it came out of my mouth, but finally I've discovered a book that scientifically backs up this intuition. 

'The Body Keeps the Score' by Bessel Van Der KolK, MD, is one of the most comprehensive books I've ever read on trauma, how it affects the brain and body, and how to heal...

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Episode 61: What to Do When You Feel Like Doing Nothing

Jul 28, 2020

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If there’s one word that can describe the recent weeks of quarantine living, it’s melancholy. I’ve felt it and I know you probably have too. Not knowing how long this new normal will last is daunting, we’ve organized our homes, made the sourdough, re-watched entire series, and still, here we sit. Bored, frustrated, and feeling less and less motivated to do much of anything. 

So what do you do from here, when getting off the couch feels like a chore in and of itself? How are you expected...

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Episode 21: Diet and Depression... Could It Be a Cure??

Oct 24, 2019

Hey!! I hope this blog finds you well. I hope it finds you happy with your job, in a loving relationship, with overflowing self confidence, health, and joy. 

But what if it isn't? What if this blog is finding you barely able to make it out of bed. What if it finds you with that too-familiar dark cloud hanging overhead? What if it finds you just trying to make it through the day?

Well, I'm hoping, if that's you... today's episode might help.

Because today we're talking about the inextricable link...

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Letting Go of the "Problem Children"

May 30, 2019

To watch the full live training, click the video above. Otherwise catch the recap below!

Who here, on a daily basis, legitimately feels the anchors in their life holding them back?

The labels that have been put on you by others...

Expectations from your family...

A quick fix mentality...

Comparison living...


Fear of failure...

Fear of success...

The list goes on and on.

Which is why today, we're going to do some work to identify and release those problem children that are running all over the grocery store of...

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