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Episode 34: The 80/20 Rule to Excel in Health, Business, and Love

Jan 21, 2020

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"Balance is not something you find. It's something you create." -Jana Kingsford


  • The 80/20 rule at play: 80% of what you eat is healthy and 'on plan', 20% of what you eat is for 'fun'.
  • How to know you're in 'the zone':
    • You feel energized.
    • You're confident in your ability to maintain your routine.
    • You're seeing results without feeling deprived. 
  • How to know you're off:
    • You stop seeing results.
    • Old symptoms come back like lethargy, digestive upset, or cravings.
    • You feel out of control or like you're swinging...
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Episode 29: Trials and Tribulations of Finding (and Following) Your True Calling with Ashley-Lane

Dec 17, 2019

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"Why don't you just take some time, and think about what you would want to do if you didn't have to do anything."

"If you're having fun in the journey, in the setting up of what you're doing, I think then you know you're on the right path. Like, if the nitty gritty stuff can be enjoyable and you're waking up excited about the next step and figuring it out, then you know it's a passion and not something you 'have' to do."

"I have fallen, and I know I can get back up, and I think a lot...

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Episode 24: 3 Ways to Live a More Fully Engaged Life

Nov 12, 2019

Do you ever feel like life is just sort of happening to you? 

You meander through your days on autopilot. From home, to work, and then back home.

You absently kiss your partner. You passively play with your kids.

And while there are occasional moments of sheer and utter joy like on your wedding day, or during your yearly vacation, by and large it feels like you're just passing the time.

What a shitty way to live when you put it that way, huh? And unfortunately, it's how must of us sail through life, from cradle to grave.


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Episode 22: Building Better Balance in Your Relationship

Oct 29, 2019

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Do you struggle with finding balance in your relationship?? Whether it's balance with work, life, and romance, balance with money, or balance with giving and taking, you've got to have the tools to pull things back into alignment when they fall out of equilibrium.

And establishing this stability within the tumultuousness of 2 entrepreneur's lives is something my boyfriend Bryan and I have deep and intimate knowledge of. 

So in today's episode of Life...

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Struggling with Follow Through? Here are 7 Steps to Help You Out.

Aug 27, 2019

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If you listened to last week's podcast episode, you'll remember my girl Gio's woeful complaints about her tendency to stop reaching for her goals once she got 80% of the way there. 

In other words, if she were running a marathon, she'd get to mile 20 on the track, stop and say, "Good enough!" And head on home. 

But the problem is, she doesn't genuinely feel like it's good enough. After she gets off the track, she beats herself up, feeling like a failure and wondering why on earth she couldn't just...

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How to Stay Motivated When Results Aren't Coming

Aug 05, 2019

To watch the full Life Unleashed episode, click here!

Or you can watch the synopsis above.

We've all been there, right?

You get that initial spark of motivation that comes from a new year, an upcoming beach vacation, or a spark of an amazing idea.

And then you go to work on your gym habit, or you start the diet, or you start heavily researching how to launch that Etsy shop or how to publish your own book.

You're energized by your new goal and are sprinting towards the possibilities your future holds.

But then...

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