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Episode 169: 10 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism Today - Part One

Sep 06, 2022

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Eat less + Move More = Weight Loss!

That's what we've been told for decades, right??

Except that it isn't true... as a nation, over the past 20 years we have eaten less and moved more, and obesity is still on the rise. 


Our lifestyles have been fueling metabolic dysfunction and simply dieting, counting calories, and hitting the treadmill aren't cutting it anymore.

And even if dieting does work, who wants to count calories and restrict their...

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Episode 94: Healing Your Metabolism with Reverse Dieting

Mar 16, 2021

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What is reverse dieting?

Reverse dieting is exactly what it sounds like. Instead of decreasing your calories like you would on a diet, you slowly and strategically increase calories over time with the goal of increasing your metabolism and fat-burning potential.

During a reverse diet you will often shift away from cardio and emphasize weight training as a way to tell your body to partition the excess calories towards building lean muscle instead of storing it as fat.

The end...

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