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Follow Your Gut

Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 226: 4 Steps to Living Symptom Free with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (Part 1)

Feb 27, 2024

I remember sitting in my college apartment listening to a woman on a podcast talking about how she healed her Hashimoto's. 

It took her years, but she did it. 

It felt so daunting, so long, so out of reach to me. 

I literally couldn’t fathom a life without crippling fatigue, without embarrassing digestive issues. I couldn’t imagine going to the gym without worrying that it would cause a flare or being happy with what I saw in the mirror.  

I couldn’t imagine escaping this box that Hashimoto's kept...

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Episode 194: How to Survive an Elimination Diet (Part 2)

Mar 28, 2023

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If you know me, you know I am not a fan of deprivation for deprivation's sake when it comes to dieting.

I don't think we should be cutting out foods willy nilly, and I certainly don't think we should cut out entire macronutrients.

However the old adage is true: one person's superfood is another person's poison. And sometimes there are certain foods that cause a reaction in our body that prevents us from looking or feeling our best.

And the only way to truly know what those foods are is through an...

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Episode 193: How to Survive an Elimination Diet (Part 1)

Mar 21, 2023

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If you know me, you know I am not a fan of deprivation for deprivation's sake when it comes to dieting.

I don't think we should be cutting out foods willy nilly, and I certainly don't think we should cut out entire macronutrients.

However the old adage is true: one person's superfood is another person's poison. And sometimes there are certain foods that cause a reaction in our body that prevents us from looking or feeling our best.

And the only way to truly know what those foods are is through an...

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Episode 183: 6 Signs You Need an Elimination Diet in 2023

Jan 03, 2023

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First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

We have officially made it to 2023, and I know right about this time we're looking ahead at how we want the next go-around-the-sun to look.

Meanwhile we may also be contending with a bit of guilt after some full-fuck-it behavior over the holidays and are ready to dial it back in. 

The question is... how are you going to prepare yourself for the year ahead? How are you going to dial it in?

Are going to peruse the latest fad diets? Go back to the old...

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Episode 150: Can Food Sensitivities Impact Your Weight??

Apr 26, 2022

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When I was a young dancer, all I wanted was the body to match the hobby.
I looked at the toned abs of my older sister with envy and lamented the soft stomach I saw highlighted in my leotard.
At the time I was dancing regularly and working out outside of classes. I was constantly reading nutrition books, jumping on and off diets, promising myself I wouldn't eat pretzels, carbs, sugar, fill-in-the-blank. 
It seemed no matter what I did, I would never have the body I dreamed...
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Episode 149: How I'm Surviving an 8-Month Elimination Diet

Apr 19, 2022

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 I have a confession to make. My name is Kat, I am a gut health coach, and I just got diagnosed with 2 major gut problems: H Pylori and SIBO.

Is there part of me that's embarrassed? Sure. The perfectionist in me doesn't want to admit that as a health coach I still have health problems. 

But the truth is, I have 20 years of damage to make up for. 

Just to give you a little background on me.

  • When I was a baby, I had to be put on antibiotics when I was admitted to the hospital. Studies show...
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Episode 48: 'It's Probably Leaky Gut' with Holistic Nutritionist Megan Kelly

Apr 28, 2020

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Have you ever experienced symptoms that you couldn't explain?

Has a doctor ever prescribed you medicine to mask your symptoms without really knowing the cause?

Have you ever had the joy of dealing with adult acne, eczema, psoriasis, diarrhea, fatigue, bloating, constipation, thyroid issues, autoimmune diseases, bloating, headaches, foggy headedness, PCOS, food sensitivities, diabetes, joint pain, and/or other inflammatory conditions?

Believe it or not, it could all be pointing back to your gut. Your ...

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