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Follow Your Gut

Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 204: Is Leaky Gut to Blame for Autoimmune Disease?

Jul 11, 2023

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 I was diagnosed with hashimoto’s thyroiditis (an autoimmune disease of the thyroid) as a sophomore in college. 

I got the call from my doctor while I was standing outside Mother's Market. I remember the shock hit first. Then I forcefully pushed the tears down that threatened to embarrass me in public. 

I thought it was a life sentence. Something that would keep me stuck dealing with fatigue, stubborn weight, and hair loss for the rest of my life. 


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Episode 202: Kat's Story... Healing Leaky Gut, Candida, Hashimoto's, SIBO, H Pylori, and More!

Jun 27, 2023

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I’ve been a weight loss coach for over a decade. Which means I’ve shared my story of overcoming disordered eating. I’ve shared the story of healing my metabolism. I’ve shared the story of growing up dancing and battling with body image. 

What I haven’t shared (at least not fully) is my 2-decade-long health journey. 

For a long time I thought no one would be interested. I was told by business coaches of my past that...

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Episode 194: How to Survive an Elimination Diet (Part 2)

Mar 28, 2023

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If you know me, you know I am not a fan of deprivation for deprivation's sake when it comes to dieting.

I don't think we should be cutting out foods willy nilly, and I certainly don't think we should cut out entire macronutrients.

However the old adage is true: one person's superfood is another person's poison. And sometimes there are certain foods that cause a reaction in our body that prevents us from looking or feeling our best.

And the only way to truly know what those foods are is through an...

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Episode 146: 4 Steps to Fix a Broken Gut

Mar 29, 2022

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Last week I posted a video on Instagram explaining why the health of our gut is essential on our weight loss journey (especially when you feel like you’ve already tried everything).

To recap, your gut microbiome…

Impacts your metabolism, appetite, and fat storage.

Can cause overwhelming sugar and carb cravings.

Has the power to cause mood disorders, anxiety, and depression via the vagus nerve (which obviously may influence emotional eating).

Affects your blood sugar response to food (the...

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Episode 86: Never Binge Again. Understanding Sugar Addiction, the Gut-Craving Connection, and How to Take Back Control.

Jan 19, 2021

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Do you feel out of control around certain foods?

Do you wish you could 'just have one' and move on with your day?

Do you find yourself on the hunt for sugar or carbs after a long, stressful day?

Then you're gonna want to listen to this episode to discover my GEES Method for figuring out where those uncontrollable food cravings come from and what you can finally do to get rid of them!

p.s. For today only, I'm opening up ONE more spot for Unleash Your Transformation, my 90-day program to lose...

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Episode 48: 'It's Probably Leaky Gut' with Holistic Nutritionist Megan Kelly

Apr 28, 2020

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Have you ever experienced symptoms that you couldn't explain?

Has a doctor ever prescribed you medicine to mask your symptoms without really knowing the cause?

Have you ever had the joy of dealing with adult acne, eczema, psoriasis, diarrhea, fatigue, bloating, constipation, thyroid issues, autoimmune diseases, bloating, headaches, foggy headedness, PCOS, food sensitivities, diabetes, joint pain, and/or other inflammatory conditions?

Believe it or not, it could all be pointing back to your gut. Your ...

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