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Episode 180: Finding Friends as an Adult - It's More Essential Than You Think

Dec 13, 2022

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It's getting close to the end of the year and around this time I always get a bit reflective. I think about what I've learned, what I've overcome, what's changed in my life, and what I want to change in my life. 

And in thinking about this past year, the thing I'm most proud of and the thing that's had the biggest impact on my overall wellbeing is how much I've prioritized my relationships. 

I've said yes to every opportunity to hang out with friends, I booked 7 trips to see friends and family (my...

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Episode 127: Intermittent Fasting... Take It or Leave It?

Nov 09, 2021

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I'm sure you've heard all the buzz in the past few years about the wonders of intermittent fasting.

You've probably heard appealing promises like...

It's great for longevity!

It prevents signs of aging!

It's fantastic for weight loss!

But you can't help but wonder... is it just another passing fad or a new essential in your nutrition arsenal? Is it right for you? What are the pros and cons? Which schedule is the best? Does it actually work for weight loss?

We're going to answer all that and more in...

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Episode 103: Keto. Is. Dangerous.

May 18, 2021

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Ok, after a doctor recommended my client be on a ‘keto lifestyle’ for no good reason I had to create this episode and VENT!!!

Understand, I would take no issue with keto if it wasn’t actively dangerous.

I have known multiple people who had life-threatening complications happen because of being on keto.


The cliff notes?

Keto makes your body highly acidic which is the perfect environment for pathogens to...

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Episode 27: The Infinite VS The Finite Game of Life... Which Will Have You Winning?

Dec 03, 2019

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  • In a finite game, you're playing for the purpose of winning, the rules are well defined, and players are squarely defined as winner or loser. 
    • The problems with playing the finite game in life are knowing what to do once you've 'won', committing to an all-or-nothing mentality, and defining yourself as 'winner' or 'loser.'
    • 3 ways you might be playing the finite game:
      • Following a diet with an end date... remember, if your diet has an end date so do your results.
      • In fights with your significant other,...
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