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Follow Your Gut

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Episode 91: What Your Poop is Trying to Tell You

Feb 23, 2021

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If you were to ask me, "Kat, what's the single most important thing to prioritize if I want to look and feel my best?", without hesitation my answer would be your gut health.

As more and more research is finding, our gastrointestinal health plays a role in just about everything: mood regulation, hunger regulation, sleep, stress levels, emotional wellbeing, immune health, thyroid health, energy, inflammatory responses, cravings, the list is practically endless.

It makes sense, right? Our digestive tract is where it all...

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Episode 54: If I Had to Give ONE Tip to Lose Weight, Feel Your Best, and Prevent Disease... THIS is it!

Jun 09, 2020

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We were all told as kids to 'eat your fruits and veggies'. But how much is enough? What counts as a serving? Why do we need so many? And how do we fit them all in?? 

These are the questions I'll be answering in this week's episode of the Life Unleashed Podcast!

How Many Servings of Produce Should You Aim for Daily?

8 Fist-Sized Servings (approximately 3/4 cup each).

Why So Many?

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