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Follow Your Gut

Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 236: Paralyzed by Information Overload? 6 Steps to Get Back into Action!

Jun 11, 2024


Over the past few weeks I've had a few newer clients come up against a similar obstacle, one I'm sure you've probably experienced yourself: information overload that has you totally freezing up. 

You're bombarded with ads for dozens of supplements, all with promises of a quick fix for your stubborn weight, your low energy, your poor digestion, your thinning hair, your aging skin, and the like.

You see experts touting wildly different diets so convincingly you can't figure out which is the right one. 


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Episode 167: 6 Proven Ways to Boost Your Immune System Naturally

Aug 23, 2022

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With fall around the corner and another uptick in covid cases, I thought it was about time to dedicate a podcast episode to improving your immune health. 

I can tell you from experience, my immune system used to be shot. 

I got bronchitis multiple times per year.

Whenever I did get sick it would linger for weeks, if not months.

And I landed myself an autoimmune disease. (I know, good times!)

These days, my Hashimoto's is in remission, I get sick maybe once per year, more often than not I can stop an...

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Episode 158: 11 Ways to Combat Fatigue

Jun 21, 2022

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One of the most common symptoms women tell me they struggle with day in and day out is low energy. 

And while it may seem relatively harmless - it isn't a disease, it isn't going to kill us, it's just... uncomfortable - fatigue can have a huge impact on our quality of life. 

I remember back in college when my symptoms were at their peak, I could sleep for 12 hours and still be passing out in class. 

I didn't want to go to parties with my friends, I didn't have the energy to be around people very...

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Episode 146: 4 Steps to Fix a Broken Gut

Mar 29, 2022

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Last week I posted a video on Instagram explaining why the health of our gut is essential on our weight loss journey (especially when you feel like you’ve already tried everything).

To recap, your gut microbiome…

Impacts your metabolism, appetite, and fat storage.

Can cause overwhelming sugar and carb cravings.

Has the power to cause mood disorders, anxiety, and depression via the vagus nerve (which obviously may influence emotional eating).

Affects your blood sugar response to food (the...

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