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Episode 21: Diet and Depression... Could It Be a Cure??

Oct 24, 2019

Hey!! I hope this blog finds you well. I hope it finds you happy with your job, in a loving relationship, with overflowing self confidence, health, and joy. 

But what if it isn't? What if this blog is finding you barely able to make it out of bed. What if it finds you with that too-familiar dark cloud hanging overhead? What if it finds you just trying to make it through the day?

Well, I'm hoping, if that's you... today's episode might help.

Because today we're talking about the inextricable link...

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Easy Weight Loss After 40

Sep 24, 2019


Watch it on YouTube here.


It's  day 2 of The 5 Days of Fitness, and we are talking all about weight loss after 40 (check out my girl Jamie's story down below). 

First of all, here are a few things you need to understand...

Yes, your metabolism slows and your hormones change as you age. Yes, the pounds can become more stubborn.

No, it is not impossible to have the body you want. And no, you do not have to starve yourself to create the body you want (in fact, that will...

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3 Ways to Lose Weight Faster WITHOUT Slowing Your Metabolism

Sep 17, 2019

Listen to the podcast:

Or watch it on YouTube.


Hey friend, so I'm aware, as of late, I've been heavy into personal development, productivity, and business development for newbie entrepreneurs.

However, I want you to know I have not left my fitness folks behind. Which is why I'm doing a special series of fitness blogs.

I'm calling it, The 5 Days of Fitness. (I love alliterations, don't you?)

So, for the next few posts I'll be answering some...

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