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Episode 126: 10 Fitness Mistakes That Are Inhibiting Your Weight Loss

Nov 02, 2021

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So you finally did it! After hemming and hawing for weeks, you finally got up the motivation to start a workout routine.

You got a cute new workout outfit, you found a gym, class, or program you're ready to commit to, you got your hair in that high messy bun that says you mean business, and you are ready to get in there and prove to those mean girls from high school you do NOT have cankles!

But a month later, you've only lost a pound and feel that hyped up motivation slipping through your...

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Episode 63: I Finished My Weight Loss Program... Now What?

Aug 11, 2020

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Have you ever gone full bore into a new diet and you’re so excited about how your body is responding that you don’t think about what will come after the 30, 60, or 90 day plan?

Then that fateful day arrives and all at once you’re filled with so much pride for completing it, yet so much dread for not knowing what the fuck to do next.

This is hard even if you’ve been following a relatively balanced diet plan, but it’s amplified 10000x more when you’ve been severely restricting and you...

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Holiday Pounds: 5 Tips to Keeping Them in Your Luggage and Off The Scale

Nov 12, 2018

As the busiest travel day of the year approaches, I know staying on track to reach your weight loss goals can pose a challenge. It feels like you have less control of your food, your schedule, and let's be honest, your will power. 

But I have to tell you, it isn't as difficult as it seems when you have a plan. I once had a client site traveling as her biggest barrier to weight loss as her job shipped her around the country two weeks out of the month. Often times she was staying in small towns without a lot of options.


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