She Believe She Could, So She Did

Yvette C.

"It's day 29 of the program and I've been feeling so great! My heartburn and stomach aches have completely gone away and my bowel movements have returned back to normal (something I haven't seen since before I got colitis back in June 2023). I'm so happy I signed up, I just feel like I'm improving so much! Also, I lost 10 pounds!!

Maddy M.

"I LOVE working with Kat. Not having a plan that I knew was effective and safe was a huge motivation killer. Being given something that's tailored to my needs by a professional has been hugely helpful."

Regina I.

"A few things I have noticed since joining Kat's program: I've been having THE BEST hair days. I really dig the calendar, it really puts a pep in my step. AND I have noticed my energy lasts longer. Pretty happy where I'm at right now!"


"Trying on bathing suits was semi life changing. I felt so confident and I didn't hate my body. I have years ahead of me but one of the biggest changes I've noticed so far is how I see myself... I feel sexy and proud and never thought I'd feel that way this early on in the program."

Steph A.

"Since becoming Kat's client, I have changed into a person who enjoys workouts. She is extremely accommodating with my schedule so even the busiest of people can't have an excuse not to workout."

Nicole C.

"After working with Kat, I wasn't only physically stronger, I was mentally stronger and learned how to find the balance in my exercise, work, food, fun, and overall health. She was the missing piece to my health puzzle."

Gio C.

"I've had several coaches in the past, but none have given me the additional time or attention to help me achieve the mind/body connection that has helped me heal my dysfunctional relationship with food." 

Caroline K.

"At some point it wasn't even about trying to look good in my wedding dress anymore (but that was a great benefit). I just felt so freaking good, despite being in a terrible situation at work, the stress of planning a wedding, and the challenges of integrating my single girl life with a fiance."

Shannon O.

"I kind of want to cry. Like, every day I feel more motivated. I'm super proud of the muscle gain. Watch out world! One pound stronger!"

"I never thought I could feel as strong as I do. I feel sexy and confident from all angles! I have also eliminated all of my excuses; I am in control of my health and have many tools up my sleeve now!" 

Bethany G.

"I am so impressed with Kat's Program! This is dummy proof! Kat has truly found the secret to getting your body the results you never thought possible. I have lost 5 INCHES in my hips alone, which is EXACTLY where I told Kat I wanted to lose. YOU WILL GET RESULTS, you just got to be ready to put in the work! The only person stopping you is you."

"Before Kat I wasn't able to complete a 5k run without taking multiple breaks. I now run 5k's like they're nothing. My goal now is a 10k without a break!"

Jamie D.

"Kat asks the tough questions that help clients look at themselves on a deeper level and she helps them craft the change they're looking for."

Carrie C.

"Kat is known for guiding a person to understand how their body, mind, and soul are equal parts of the problem and the solution. She then helps them to create a habitually healthier and happier lifestyle through coaching, mentoring, and support."

Caroline K.

"Kat gently coaxed me to think about solutions that were doable and goals that were attainable and the low-grade depression that I thought was just normal lifted.


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