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Episode 75: How to Eat MORE Calories (and Speed Your Metabolism) Without Reaching for Junk

Nov 03, 2020

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Between diet culture constantly telling us to eat less and move more, trends like intermittent fasting limiting the hours we can eat, and trying to include more and more plants in our diet, it can be shockingly hard to get ENOUGH calories in to lose weight. 

Believe me, I know that sounds bananas and borderline like an oxymoron, but it's true. You can eat TOO LITTLE, slow down your metabolism, and bring your weight loss to a standstill.

Truth be told, the clients that come to me struggling with...

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Episode 74: 6 Restaurant Rules of a Nutrition Coach

Oct 27, 2020

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Do you ever wonder if your regular restaurant habit is sabotaging your weight loss goals?

Short answer: it probably is. But that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice going out for looking lean. Stick with me sis...

Back in a past life, I worked as a server at a popular restaurant and I can't tell you how many women order our signature salad thinking they were 'being good'. That salad was 1300 calories.

And that's the crux of it. Even when we think we're making good choices, even when we order something that would...

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Episode 73: 5 Realistic Ways to Maintain Healthy Habits Through Crazy Busy Seasons

Oct 20, 2020

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We all have what I call ‘sprint seasons’ in our life where it doesn’t matter how good we are with time management, our days are just utterly packed. 

And during those times it can feel like the ONLY option is to completely let go of the reigns on our healthy habits. That’s usually when we start to skip meals, hit the drive through, or shovel a handful of goldfish crackers down our throats and call it ‘lunch’.

But losing weight and keeping it off can’t be about only...

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Episode 72: Burn Fat Faster by Avoiding These 3 Common Weight Loss Mistakes!

Oct 13, 2020

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Who wants to literally burn more fat while they sleep? If you’re shaking your hand high in the sky right now going ‘me me me me me!’ you’re going to want to listen to this episode. It will save you from turning your weight loss journey into an unnecessary uphill battle.

If you know me you know how much I hate diet culture. We’re berated with advice that’ll help us ‘lose 10 pounds in 5 days’, but what’s left out is the fact that those very tips are slowing our...

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Episode 71: 3 Mental Reframes to Stop People Pleasing And Prioritize YOUR Goals

Oct 06, 2020

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For most of us, the 'new normal' we're all trying to adapt to is tough. For those who are natural-born people-pleasers... it's a freaking nightmare. 

Boundaries don't exist at work anymore so you work longer hours. You're on mom/teacher duty 24/7. Your spouse may be asking you to take on more household chores. And basically everyone assumes you're home and available all the time.

With all of this going on, when you're at the beck and call of everyone around you and you feel too guilty to say no because they may...

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Episode 69: 5 Times You THINK You're Being Healthy, But You're Not

Sep 22, 2020

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I can't tell you how many times I've had this conversation:

Client/friend/stranger on the street when they find out I'm a nutrition coach: "I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm seriously eating so much healthier than I used to, but I just can't get this weight off."

Me: "Hmmm, ok tell me what your diet and workout routine are looking like."

Them: *Gives me a list of seemingly solid choices based off old fitness magazines, but includes a number of red flags*.

Me: "Got it, here's what we've got to do..."


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Episode 68: 4 Mistakes Leading to Nighttime Snack Attacks (And What to Do About It)

Sep 15, 2020

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Do you feel pretty strong in your eating game during the day, but then night hits and it feels like you’re possessed by a demon with 18 stomachs. 

You shut the laptop off, you put the kids to bed, you sit on the couch, and the gorging begins. 

You shovel down handfuls of salty chips, which then makes you want something sweet so you’ll have a cookie, or 12. Then your boo makes popcorn and you’re just going to have a handful (the bowl is now yours). But you need a soda or cocktail to wash it down....

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Episode 67: 5 Surprising Reasons Your Diet Isn't Working (And How to Fix It)

Sep 08, 2020

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I can’t begin to tell you how many women have come to me who have tried every diet under the sun who feel like no matter how hard they try, the weight just is never coming off.

After years of watching others find success on the very diets that failed them, they wonder if it’s just… them. They wonder if they’re just getting old, or their genetics are working against them, or they’re simply destined to a life of feeling fluffy. 

If you can relate, I’m going to assure you right now:...

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Episode 65: How to Eat Clean When You Have Picky Kids (And You Don't Want to Make 2 Separate Meals Each Night)

Aug 25, 2020

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This one is for my badass warrior mama’s out there who are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders, who are filling all the roles for all the people, and who are holding their own health and wellbeing together by the skin of their teeth.

I may not be a mom. But I’ve worked with many, and I know while you may KNOW you need to eat more plants and less processed foods in order to lose weight and maintain your energy for your hectic life, it can feel next to impossible as you try to feed the...

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Episode 63: I Finished My Weight Loss Program... Now What?

Aug 11, 2020

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Have you ever gone full bore into a new diet and you’re so excited about how your body is responding that you don’t think about what will come after the 30, 60, or 90 day plan?

Then that fateful day arrives and all at once you’re filled with so much pride for completing it, yet so much dread for not knowing what the fuck to do next.

This is hard even if you’ve been following a relatively balanced diet plan, but it’s amplified 10000x more when you’ve been severely restricting and you...

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