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Episode 24: 3 Ways to Live a More Fully Engaged Life

Nov 12, 2019

Do you ever feel like life is just sort of happening to you? 

You meander through your days on autopilot. From home, to work, and then back home.

You absently kiss your partner. You passively play with your kids.

And while there are occasional moments of sheer and utter joy like on your wedding day, or during your yearly vacation, by and large it feels like you're just passing the time.

What a shitty way to live when you put it that way, huh? And unfortunately, it's how must of us sail through life, from cradle to grave.


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Master Your Macros for Weight Loss with Samantha Nicole

Oct 08, 2019

In this week's episode of Life Unleashed, I interviewed my good friend, Equinox colleague from back in the day, and extremely talented personal trainer, educator, and nutrition coach, Samantha Nicole.

We dove deep into the topics of macronutrient counting for weight loss, how to incorporate the power of manifestation into your transformation journey, and why always wanting more doesn't make you broken, it makes you better. 

For this blog post, I've focused on the topic of macronutrients. But for the rest of this amazing...

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6 Minutes of Morning Movement

Sep 03, 2019

Click the black bar above to listen to the Podcast.

Click here to watch the episode on YouTube.

I'm going to be real with you... personal trainer or not, I am NOT a morning workout person.

If I had to choose between waking up 20 minutes early to do a 20 minute workout, or doing a 90 minute workout after 12 pm... 90 minutes would win every time. 

Nonetheless, my interest has been peaked lately. Over the years, I've heard more and more, just how beneficial it is to move your body first thing upon waking. 

Being a bit of a...

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How Do I Fit in Fitness While Starting My Business??

Aug 12, 2019

For an overview video watch the video above.

To listen to the podcast, click the black bar.

To watch the full Life Unleashed episode, click here.

Attention my boss babes, my hustlers, my dream chasers, my goal getters, my working mamas, my bad ass girl bosses... this one’s for you!!

I know you, because I am you.

You have big goals for your life, you want to achieve big things, and you hold yourself to a higher standard than anyone else would.

You get up early, you stay up late, and you make all kinds of...

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5 Daily Habits That Will Change Your Life

Nov 05, 2018

Often times, people assume they have to turn their world upside down and inside out if they want to change their life for the better.

But truth be told, the more overwhelming the shift, the less likely you are to be consistent. And with no consistency, comes no lasting change. 

Which is why I wanted to give you this list of 5 easy-to-implement habits that can truly change your health, your mind, your mood, your energy, and your life for the better. 

1. Eat at least 5 servings of produce.

Most people feel like crap because...

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The Motivation Myth: And 6 Key Steps to Reaching Your Goals Without It

Oct 05, 2018

When I ask my new clients, "What do you need most in order to reach your goals?" the answer almost always includes the words more motivation. 

Motivation has become the new cure-all for achievement. Want to lose weight? Get more motivation. Want to eat healthier? Find the motivation to. Want shinier hair? Slather some motivation on it.

And here's the thing, motivation is a wonderful thing to utilize when it's there. It gives us an extra pep in our step, a little wind under our wings, a little boost to our actions, and...

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