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Episode 187: 6 Journal Prompts to Reignite Your Motivation

Jan 31, 2023

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It's been exactly one month since the new year began and statistically 80% of people will bail on their resolutions in the next couple of weeks. 

But the buck stops here. We are going to reignite our motivation and keep trucking forward. We are going to be the 20%. We are going to dig deep and tap into our inner most desires and our brightest visions for our futures so we can continue making strides towards our goals even as the shininess of the new year wears off. 

But remember, it only...

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Unlock Your Motivation

May 28, 2019

Hey love! In case you missed the announcement, this week I'm hosting a 7 day FREE TRAINING on Instagram LIVE all about how to Discover your Power, Find your Purpose, and Ignite your Passion.

And tonight we started with how to unlock your motivation. Here you'll find a recap of the free trainings, and the live recording above, so enjoy :)

And don't forget to join me live at 7 pm CST May 28th - June 3rd on Instagram if you want the chance to interact live with me, earn some points and win some cool prizes (details to come).

But without further...

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