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Episode 194: How to Survive an Elimination Diet (Part 2)

Mar 28, 2023

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If you know me, you know I am not a fan of deprivation for deprivation's sake when it comes to dieting.

I don't think we should be cutting out foods willy nilly, and I certainly don't think we should cut out entire macronutrients.

However the old adage is true: one person's superfood is another person's poison. And sometimes there are certain foods that cause a reaction in our body that prevents us from looking or feeling our best.

And the only way to truly know what those foods are is through an...

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Episode 193: How to Survive an Elimination Diet (Part 1)

Mar 21, 2023

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If you know me, you know I am not a fan of deprivation for deprivation's sake when it comes to dieting.

I don't think we should be cutting out foods willy nilly, and I certainly don't think we should cut out entire macronutrients.

However the old adage is true: one person's superfood is another person's poison. And sometimes there are certain foods that cause a reaction in our body that prevents us from looking or feeling our best.

And the only way to truly know what those foods are is through an...

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Episode 188: 6 Ways to Supercharge Your Superfoods

Feb 07, 2023

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I'm always the person who's looking to get any extra edge I can when it comes to my health. I don't want to be 'normal'. I don't want to be 'average'. I want to optimize my body and my health and see how far I can go. 

But I know not everyone is like me. Some of us are just trying to put one foot in front of the other and get to a place of even feeling ok on a day-to-day basis. Which is totally fine too!

Whichever category you fit into, this episode is for you because we are going over ways to...

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Episode 161: Busting the Heartburn Myth (Pssst it ISN'T too much acid!)

Jul 12, 2022

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I remember last summer I was visiting my parents in Florida and on day one I had the worst heartburn I've ever experienced in my life. 

It started out with the typical symptoms: that burning feeling in my chest, that hot, sour, acidic taste in the back of my throat.

Trying to go to bed that night was impossible. The pain radiated all the way to my back, I couldn't get comfortable, and all week, it seemed like every time I ate I was on the verge of the same discomfort. 

Back then I...

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