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Episode 165: 4 Mindset Mistakes That Are Actively Halting Your Progress

Aug 09, 2022

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I've said it before and I'll say it a thousand more times...

In the game of health and weight loss, your mindset will fuck you up more than a cheat day ever will. 

How you speak to yourself, how you perceive setbacks, how you think about obstacles, and what you focus on is the difference between you taking another step forward or quitting.

It's the difference between you staying consistent or swinging from one extreme to another.

It's the difference between you feeling grateful when you...

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Episode 55: Manifesting Weight Loss. Can You Think Your Way Thin?

Jun 16, 2020

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No matter what I do I can't lose weight.

Why am I such a failure?

My body hates me.

I hate my body. 

This is impossible. 

I suck. 

Do any of these sound familiar to you? If they do, you may be putting up a block to your weight loss goals more powerful than any cheat day or skipped workout. 

Think that sounds woo woo af? It's not. It's actually well documented that our thoughts can affect our physiology, sometimes instantaneously. 

For example, people with multiple personality disorders...

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Episode 44: Fighting Anxiety, Addiction, and Illness With Meditation

Mar 31, 2020

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Sorry friends! Technology and I aren't friends today and the break down of the podcast got erased

Basically, whether you're new to meditation and you don't know where to start, or you're a meditation veteran and just want a deeper understanding of how it's impacting you from the inside out, this episode is for you. I'm uncovering the science behind the practice, and how it can keep you calm, sane, and healthier through this pandemic.

Plus I'm sharing 4 simple methods for you to get started in the free...

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Master Your Macros for Weight Loss with Samantha Nicole

Oct 08, 2019

In this week's episode of Life Unleashed, I interviewed my good friend, Equinox colleague from back in the day, and extremely talented personal trainer, educator, and nutrition coach, Samantha Nicole.

We dove deep into the topics of macronutrient counting for weight loss, how to incorporate the power of manifestation into your transformation journey, and why always wanting more doesn't make you broken, it makes you better. 

For this blog post, I've focused on the topic of macronutrients. But for the rest of this amazing...

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Awaken the Possibilities of Your Life!

Jun 01, 2019

I had such an interesting conversation with one of my clients the other day; it had me both surprised, and also really wanting to write this for you today. 

She told me how she was really enjoying going on these long, 3-5 mile walks lately. But as she said it, she was sort of chuckling to herself. 

When I asked her why she was giggling, she told me her reason for loving those walks was really kind of ridiculous and embarrassing. Of course now I had to know.

"It's because I've been daydreaming."


"It's because...

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