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Episode 225: 14 Hard Lessons I Learned In 3.5 Years of Singlehood (Part 2)

Feb 20, 2024

We are jumping right back into our conversation from last week's Valentine's Day episode where I'm sharing my most hard-earned lessons from 3.5 years of singlehood and over 200 dates! If you didn't catch the first episode, click here to take a listen!

8. Relationships are not meant to make you comfortable all the time. They're meant to expose the unhealed parts of you that still need tending while holding space for you to work through those parts. And that's hard. 

I do not have better words than this quote...

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Episode 224: Swipe Right for Wisdom: 14 Lessons From 3.5 Years of Singlehood (Part 1)

Feb 13, 2024


Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and you know what that means... we recorded one of my favorite podcast episodes of the year! Truly the only thing I love talking about more than health and wellness is love and relationships. 

In year's past I've brought on the experts - one year it was a sex therapist, last year it was my parents who have a beautiful marriage after 35 years (definitely go back and take a listen if you weren't with us back then). 

But I think at this point I'm a bit of an expert in my own right. I've been...

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Episode 89: How to Make Love Last. Tips from My Parent's 33 Year Long Marriage. [Valentine's Special]

Feb 09, 2021

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It's no secret that I love talking about health and weight loss. And while nutrition tips, fitness strategies, and mindset mastery are all major components of that, we can't overlook the important role our relationships play in our wellbeing. 

And with Valentine's day around the corner, I could think of no 2 better people to talk on this subject than my own mom and dad. 

Not only have they been married for 33 years, they have been happily married for 33 years. To this day I brag about...

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Episode 22: Building Better Balance in Your Relationship

Oct 29, 2019

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Do you struggle with finding balance in your relationship?? Whether it's balance with work, life, and romance, balance with money, or balance with giving and taking, you've got to have the tools to pull things back into alignment when they fall out of equilibrium.

And establishing this stability within the tumultuousness of 2 entrepreneur's lives is something my boyfriend Bryan and I have deep and intimate knowledge of. 

So in today's episode of Life...

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