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Episode 173: 13 Habits to Improve Your Self Esteem - Part 2

Oct 11, 2022

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Last week we started on this list of habits that will drastically increase your confidence (without having to see a certain number on your scale). 

If you haven't read/listened to that episode yet, click here to pop over and start there as we do talk about some important pre-habit activities that will make these tips much more effective for you! 

If you did tune in last week, you're ready to dive right in!

7. Take a social media break. 

You already know this, but we all need the...

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Episode 29: Trials and Tribulations of Finding (and Following) Your True Calling with Ashley-Lane

Dec 17, 2019

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"Why don't you just take some time, and think about what you would want to do if you didn't have to do anything."

"If you're having fun in the journey, in the setting up of what you're doing, I think then you know you're on the right path. Like, if the nitty gritty stuff can be enjoyable and you're waking up excited about the next step and figuring it out, then you know it's a passion and not something you 'have' to do."

"I have fallen, and I know I can get back up, and I think a lot...

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