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Episode 209: From Burnout to Bliss... Holistically Healing Adrenal Fatigue

Aug 22, 2023

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This episode is for my mom.

Like me, she's dealt with years of mystery health issues. She's gone to countless doctors, tried hundreds of supplements, dozens of diets, and only ever experiences relief for short periods of time. 

But among her many tests, the one that sticks out to me is that her adrenals are absolutely shot. And if there is one thing that will put a halt to any healing, it's burned out adrenals. 

She told me about this months ago, so why am I only just writing this...

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Episode 191: 8 Ways to Release Negative Energy Without Binging

Feb 28, 2023

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Do you ever feel like everything in your life is coming up roses, but there's that one thing just that one little thing that you can't seem to conquer no matter how hard you try?

And the discomfort of that stuck-ness, of that frustration has you wanting to reach for anything that will give you a nice little dopamine hit: food, social media, alcohol, anything that can stop you from feeling like you want to crawl out of your skin.

Well, that was me last week.

I told my therapist recently that I've never...

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Episode 56: Could Your Weight Loss Plateau Be Stress Induced?

Jun 23, 2020

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This week, I hopped on a call with a woman who I'm guessing you may relate to. She was frustrated by a sudden weight gain after having maintained her weight for 7 years. And it seemed no matter how hard she tried, nothing was working to get it back off.

She went from fasting for 18 hours per day to fasting 21 hours per day (and felt like shit while not dropping an ounce). She was working out hard 6 days per week. She was only eating 500-600 calories per day. She felt like it was hopeless, like she...

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Episode 43: 10 Ways to Boost Your Health and Sanity Today

Mar 24, 2020

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Times are scary and uncertain at the moment, but now is not the time to focus on all the things we can't control. Now is the time to double down on the things we can: our health, our mindset, and our habits. 

Which is why today I'm sharing 10 steps you can take to improve all 3, and give your immune system a boost in the process. 

1. Exercise.

Fitness works on numerous fronts to help your immune system. It increases white blood cells, reduces the stress hormone cortisol, and it may help...

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