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Episode 245: My #1 Tip for Healthy Travel (Sans Deprivation)

Sep 24, 2024

I just came back from a 7-day cruise and on the last night my friend Jose asked how disciplined I felt like I was during the trip. 

I said, “I don’t know that ‘disciplined’ is the right word.” Discipline in this context implies willpower, sacrifice, and strict rules. That really doesn’t describe my experience on board. 

The right word? Mindful. Here’s how this looked in practice…

Mindful of my hunger and satiety cues.

With lots of all-you-can-eat buffets it would be easy to go...

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Episode 51: Sugar Cravings Suck! Here are 3 Steps to Conquer Them.

May 19, 2020

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Sugar. It can be such a source of joy, comfort, and celebration, while it can just as easily transform into an uncontrollable source of weight gain, shame spirals, and some rough bouts of acne and bloating (I know... hot). 

And just like you, I've been there, walking that line between the good, the bad, and the ugly side of sugar. 

But why is it so hard to walk that line? Why is it such a slippery slope? And is there room for sugar in a healthy, well-balance diet?


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Conquering Sugar Cravings for Good

Dec 11, 2018

Sugar cravings. The two words that can ignite fear in the fiercest of dieters, the fitness warriors, the health fanatics. 

Sugar cravings. The destroyer of weight loss goals, the seemingly insurmountable desire for sweetness, the ever present frustration and saboteur of all things healthy.  

Sugar cravings. Are they possible to truly beat? Or will we face this foe forever?

Let's find out...

I'm sure you've heard the study that explains how sugar is just as, if not more addictive than cocaine. Which means the battle to...

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