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Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 67: 5 Surprising Reasons Your Diet Isn't Working (And How to Fix It)

Sep 08, 2020

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I can’t begin to tell you how many women have come to me who have tried every diet under the sun who feel like no matter how hard they try, the weight just is never coming off.

After years of watching others find success on the very diets that failed them, they wonder if it’s just… them. They wonder if they’re just getting old, or their genetics are working against them, or they’re simply destined to a life of feeling fluffy. 

If you can relate, I’m going to assure you right now:...

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Episode 56: Could Your Weight Loss Plateau Be Stress Induced?

Jun 23, 2020

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This week, I hopped on a call with a woman who I'm guessing you may relate to. She was frustrated by a sudden weight gain after having maintained her weight for 7 years. And it seemed no matter how hard she tried, nothing was working to get it back off.

She went from fasting for 18 hours per day to fasting 21 hours per day (and felt like shit while not dropping an ounce). She was working out hard 6 days per week. She was only eating 500-600 calories per day. She felt like it was hopeless, like she...

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Episode 49: 4 Mental Shifts to Stop Yo-Yo Dieting for Good

May 05, 2020

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So you want to lose weight, you're ready to take your fitness goals off the back burner, and kick your butt into gear. And low and behold, like an answer to your prayers, you see an ad for the newest diet that promises you'll drop 20 pounds in your first month, and all you have to do is (fill in the blank). 

You've been here before. Sometimes the fill in the blank is simple and straight forward, like cutting out all added sugar. Sometimes it's gross like only drinking a concoction of lemon and cayenne...

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