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Episode 186: 10 Things We're Leaving Behind in 2022 - Part 2

Jan 24, 2023

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We're 4 weeks into 2023 and I know when a new year starts we set our eyes on who we want to become.

But we sometimes forget that in order to evolve into the next version of ourselves, we have to let go of the parts of us that don't serve us anymore and that are keeping us stuck. 

To be clear, this is not about judging ourselves for past mistakes we made or past versions of ourselves that no longer resonate with us.

This is about showing gratitude to those parts that helped us at one...

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Episode 93: Struggling to Become the 'New You'?

Mar 09, 2021

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We all have a version of ourselves we're trying to become: thinner, richer, healthier, happier, more motivated, more loving, more brave.  

We know where we want to be, we know we aren't happy with where we are, but sometimes we can't figure out how to get from here to there. 

It's one thing to make a change for a day, or a week, or a month. But how do you go from working out a few times here and there, to becoming someone who works out whether the motivation is there or not?

It's one thing to...

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Episode 55: Manifesting Weight Loss. Can You Think Your Way Thin?

Jun 16, 2020

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No matter what I do I can't lose weight.

Why am I such a failure?

My body hates me.

I hate my body. 

This is impossible. 

I suck. 

Do any of these sound familiar to you? If they do, you may be putting up a block to your weight loss goals more powerful than any cheat day or skipped workout. 

Think that sounds woo woo af? It's not. It's actually well documented that our thoughts can affect our physiology, sometimes instantaneously. 

For example, people with multiple personality disorders...

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Episode 49: 4 Mental Shifts to Stop Yo-Yo Dieting for Good

May 05, 2020

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So you want to lose weight, you're ready to take your fitness goals off the back burner, and kick your butt into gear. And low and behold, like an answer to your prayers, you see an ad for the newest diet that promises you'll drop 20 pounds in your first month, and all you have to do is (fill in the blank). 

You've been here before. Sometimes the fill in the blank is simple and straight forward, like cutting out all added sugar. Sometimes it's gross like only drinking a concoction of lemon and cayenne...

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4 Worst Foods for Weight Loss

Oct 01, 2019

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You may know, I don't generally hand out 'DO NOT EAT' lists to my clients. I feel like that usually sets us up for feeling deprived at least, or it sets us up for a full on binge fest and self-loathing spiral at worst. 

However, it is hard to argue that some foods (and beverages) just do not fit in very well with a weight loss plan. (Just ask my client, 'Carol', down below.)

So today am bringing you a list of the worst foods for weight loss... with this caveat: if...

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