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Episode 240: Your Emotional Eating Toolbox

Jul 30, 2024

As a recovered emotional eater, I know when you're in it you fee like there's no way out.

You try everything: making bargains with yourself that if you workout x amount of hours you can have those brownies (yet somehow the gym time doesn’t manage to take away the food guilt). 

You tell yourself you’ll just finish this bag of chips, but then you aren’t going to buy them again. Until the next time you’re in the grocery store and they magically find their way into your cart. 

You make rules saying you’ll...

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Episode 182: Sacred Singlehood with Relationship and Trauma Specialist Laura Martin

Dec 27, 2022

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 Raise your hand if...

  • You hate being single. 
  • Online dating feels like a slog. 
  • You're getting pessimistic about whether or not you'll find someone.
  • You loath the thought of going on another first date.
  • You're anxious about finding your partner. 
  • You find yourself repeating unhealthy patterns in your relationships. 

Over the past 2.5 years I have felt almost all of these at one point or another. 

Until my friend invited me to a private speakeasy event that was hosted by...

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