Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.
Perfectionism. It plays out in so many facets of our life. Why? Because there is safety in perfection.
If we never mess up, if we never do anything bad, then nothing bad will happen to us.
If we can be perfect at our job we won’t get fired. If we can be perfect in our relationships no one will leave us. If we look perfect no one will reject us. If we’re perfect with our diet, we’ll finally have the body we want.
But it’s interesting, because I think in areas outside of food, we’re sort of forced to...
I don’t know about you but when it comes to making changes in my life, I tend to focus a lot on the doing part of the equation.
If you want to change your body, you probably focus a lot on learning how to meal prep, finding the best workouts, and figuring out what supplements to take. I know if I want to grow my business I have to create meaningful social media content, advertise, and network.
But many of us inevitably run into a disconnect with the doing… That is, we know what to do but we aren’t actually doing...
How many times? How many times have...
Do you ever feel out of control around certain foods?
Maybe you can’t keep cookies in the house because you’ll eat the entire box within a day or 2.
Maybe when you do allow dessert into your house you intentionally eat the whole thing just to get rid of it so you don’t have to deal with that nagging voice in the back of your head that’s constantly pushing you to go back for more.
Maybe you only eat certain foods in the car or when no one is home because you know the amount you eat “isn’t...
When I say “mindful eating” or “listen to your body” what’s your instinctual response?
I know for a lot of people their knee jerk reaction is, “My body wants cheetos and ice cream at every meal, so I don’t think you want me listening to my body.”
This is incredibly common and it points to an unfortunate theme: we do not trust our bodies. And we do not trust ourselves.
And where does that leave us but to rely on a diet telling us exactly what we are and are not...
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