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Episode 187: 6 Journal Prompts to Reignite Your Motivation

Jan 31, 2023

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It's been exactly one month since the new year began and statistically 80% of people will bail on their resolutions in the next couple of weeks. 

But the buck stops here. We are going to reignite our motivation and keep trucking forward. We are going to be the 20%. We are going to dig deep and tap into our inner most desires and our brightest visions for our futures so we can continue making strides towards our goals even as the shininess of the new year wears off. 

But remember, it only...

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Episode 32: 5 Questions to Epically Change Your Life in 2020

Jan 07, 2020

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  • The reason so many people fail to meet their resolutions isn't because they don't have the skills, or the willpower, or the motivation. It's that they approach each year the same way and expect a different result. They set the same goals with the only true plan being that they're just going to be different in the new year. Because... new year. 
  • If you don't take a moment of pause to reflect on the things that worked, the things that didn't work, what needs to change, and what needs to be magnified, you're missing a...
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Episode 30: Year in Review: My Mistakes, Lessons, and Triumphs from 2019

Dec 24, 2019

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Last year at this time I was attempting to launch Fit for Life Academy, an online program I spent 6 months planning for and building out. The launch bombed and I never touched it again.

  • Lesson: Stop thinking that just because something doesn't work the first time, it means it's wrong or wasn't meant to be. Persistence, persistence, persistence is key.

I hired my first business coach who helped me get my fitness business largely online (yey), but at the cost of me feeling aligned with my brand. I never wanted to promote...

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3 Questions to Help You Choose Your Side Hustle

Sep 10, 2019

Podcast episode:

 Click here to watch this Life Unleashed episode on YouTube.


So, you know you want to start a side hustle, you want to be your own boss, you want to have more time to spend with your family, and more financial flexibility to travel when and where you want.

There's just one problem... you can't nail down what you want to do.

Trust me, you're not alone. 

I belong to a number of Facebook groups, all filled with people who want to take the leap into the entrepreneurial void, and there they are......

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