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Episode 244: How to Make a Habit 'Sticky' (Part 2)

Aug 27, 2024

 Last week we started a conversation all about the power of habits.

When we’re “on a diet” we have to use a ton of mental energy and willpower to make it from one day to another. But when you understand how to instead build healthy habits, living a healthy lifestyle becomes second nature.

It’s no longer something you do, it’s who you are. And that is the ultimate goal and the ultimate recipe for long term results. 

If you missed us going over the anatomy of a habit, head back to episode 243.


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Episode 145: Confessions of a Health Coach

Mar 22, 2022

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If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times: the biggest blockade between most women and their goals is perfectionistic, all-or-nothing thinking. 

This looks like:

  • If I didn't give it my all, sweat like a whore in church, and cry for my mommy in the gym, that workout doesn't count.
  • If I ate one cookie the day is ruined.
  • If I'm not working out every day I'm messing up. 
  • If I skip a few workouts I'm going to lose all my progress.
  • If the scale goes up at all I failed.
  • I...
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Episode 106: Stuck in the All-or-Nothing Mindset Around Food? This Episode is for You!

Jun 08, 2021

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 Does any of this describe you...

  • Feeling like the day is ruined after eating a cookie.
  • Repenting for overeating with cleanses, starving yourself, or doing crazy workouts.
  • Not starting a diet because you’re waiting for when you can be 100%.
  • Filling up on treats before a diet starts and you know you’ll have to stop.
  • Eating all the bad food in your house to get rid of the temptation.
  • Restricting for long periods of time followed by binging.

 If you answered yes, you my friend, are a diet...

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Episode 83: 3 Steps to Make Your Weight Loss Resolution STICK (for REAL)!

Dec 29, 2020

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We all know the new years resolution stats: 80% are ditched by February! And because of this, there's a growing skepticism around even setting a resolution. 

You also have coaches (myself included) saying we shouldn't wait for a new year to set goals and reach for the things we want in life.

While that may be true, there's an undeniable shift in the air around January 1st. There's the hope of new beginnings, an anticipation of the year to come, and a beautiful projection of what life could look like 365 days...

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Episode 82: 3 Steps to Avoid the All or Nothing Mindset (Holiday Edition)

Dec 22, 2020

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A lot of times around the holidays we have 1 of 2 MO's when it comes to nutrition: 

1: Fuck it! It's the holidays! I'm eating all the things! #treatyoself #ilovecookies #whatsaworkout? #yolo

or 2: I'm going to be good this year. I don't need that cookie. Nope, no holiday cocktail for me. S'mores? No thanks....... Fast forward to standing in front of the fridge at midnight eating every dessert in site. 

This is what is properly known as the all-or-nothing mindset. And as you can see, it rarely leads to good...

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