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Episode 244: How to Make a Habit 'Sticky' (Part 2)

Aug 27, 2024

 Last week we started a conversation all about the power of habits.

When we’re “on a diet” we have to use a ton of mental energy and willpower to make it from one day to another. But when you understand how to instead build healthy habits, living a healthy lifestyle becomes second nature.

It’s no longer something you do, it’s who you are. And that is the ultimate goal and the ultimate recipe for long term results. 

If you missed us going over the anatomy of a habit, head back to episode 243.


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Episode 243: How to Make a Habit 'Sticky' (Part 1)

Aug 20, 2024

How often do you find yourself using willpower when you’re trying to change your diet, or get in an exercise routine, or implement a better sleep schedule? I’m guessing a lot. 

I have to choose to get up early to make myself a healthy breakfast.

I have to choose not to eat the donuts my coworker brought to work today.

I have to choose to go to the gym at the end of the day instead of flopping off the couch.

I have to choose not to reach for that big bag of chips when I...

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Episode 180: Finding Friends as an Adult - It's More Essential Than You Think

Dec 13, 2022

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It's getting close to the end of the year and around this time I always get a bit reflective. I think about what I've learned, what I've overcome, what's changed in my life, and what I want to change in my life. 

And in thinking about this past year, the thing I'm most proud of and the thing that's had the biggest impact on my overall wellbeing is how much I've prioritized my relationships. 

I've said yes to every opportunity to hang out with friends, I booked 7 trips to see friends and family (my...

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Episode 73: 5 Realistic Ways to Maintain Healthy Habits Through Crazy Busy Seasons

Oct 20, 2020

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We all have what I call ‘sprint seasons’ in our life where it doesn’t matter how good we are with time management, our days are just utterly packed. 

And during those times it can feel like the ONLY option is to completely let go of the reigns on our healthy habits. That’s usually when we start to skip meals, hit the drive through, or shovel a handful of goldfish crackers down our throats and call it ‘lunch’.

But losing weight and keeping it off can’t be about only...

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Episode 71: 3 Mental Reframes to Stop People Pleasing And Prioritize YOUR Goals

Oct 06, 2020

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For most of us, the 'new normal' we're all trying to adapt to is tough. For those who are natural-born people-pleasers... it's a freaking nightmare. 

Boundaries don't exist at work anymore so you work longer hours. You're on mom/teacher duty 24/7. Your spouse may be asking you to take on more household chores. And basically everyone assumes you're home and available all the time.

With all of this going on, when you're at the beck and call of everyone around you and you feel too guilty to say no because they may...

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Episode 45: 3 Ways to Create a Routine During a Quarantine

Apr 07, 2020

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With the kids at home, businesses shutting down, and days and weeks blurring together, a routine may feel hard to come by.

But creating and sticking with a regular routine could be the best medicine amidst the chaos. 

Here are 3 approaches to try.

1. Themed Days: Make each day centered around one type of task.

  • Monday: Meal Prep
  • Tuesday: Cleaning
  • Wednesday: Major Work Projects
  • Thursday: Minor Work Tasks (emails, client reach out, etc.)
  • Friday: Social Media Engagement/Planning


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Episode 42: 5 Mistakes That Are Killing Your Motivation to Workout

Mar 17, 2020

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If you struggle staying motivated to workout regularly, I totally understand. Even as a personal trainer I struggle with this from time to time. But while we tend to preoccupy ourselves with finding motivation hacks, rarely do we take the time to figure out how we're sabotaging our motivation to begin with. 

1. You're pigeonholing what it means to 'workout'.

If you say you don't like working out, chances are you have a very narrow perspective on what working out is. Getting your exercise in doesn't mean you have...

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Episode 36: 7 Simple Tips to Go from 'Knowing' to 'Doing'

Feb 04, 2020

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1. Consistently gather information until you can't ignore the facts.

2. Figure out YOUR why. Remember, an object at rest stays at rest. And an object in motion stays in motion. You need your goals to be acted on by an outside force; that's what your why is. But it has to be strong enough and powerful enough to get you moving. 

3. Quit 'playing' with the idea. Draw a line in the sand and make the DECISION to change. And do whatever you have to to make that commitment real. Tell it to all your friends, post it on...

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6 Minutes of Morning Movement

Sep 03, 2019

Click the black bar above to listen to the Podcast.

Click here to watch the episode on YouTube.

I'm going to be real with you... personal trainer or not, I am NOT a morning workout person.

If I had to choose between waking up 20 minutes early to do a 20 minute workout, or doing a 90 minute workout after 12 pm... 90 minutes would win every time. 

Nonetheless, my interest has been peaked lately. Over the years, I've heard more and more, just how beneficial it is to move your body first thing upon waking. 

Being a bit of a...

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Struggling with Follow Through? Here are 7 Steps to Help You Out.

Aug 27, 2019

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If you listened to last week's podcast episode, you'll remember my girl Gio's woeful complaints about her tendency to stop reaching for her goals once she got 80% of the way there. 

In other words, if she were running a marathon, she'd get to mile 20 on the track, stop and say, "Good enough!" And head on home. 

But the problem is, she doesn't genuinely feel like it's good enough. After she gets off the track, she beats herself up, feeling like a failure and wondering why on earth she couldn't just...

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