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Episode 221: A New Approach to the New Year

Jan 09, 2024

If you know me you know I'm not a big believer in the New Year's resolution.

Of course I love a good goal, but there's something about the New Year's resolution that pushes people to make grand sweeping declarations about the entirely new person they're going to suddenly be simply because the last number of the year changed. 

I'll hear things like,

"I'm not going to miss a single workout!" or "I'm not going to give into cravings anymore!" Or "I'm cutting carbs for good this time!"

But we know that's not...

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Episode 83: 3 Steps to Make Your Weight Loss Resolution STICK (for REAL)!

Dec 29, 2020

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We all know the new years resolution stats: 80% are ditched by February! And because of this, there's a growing skepticism around even setting a resolution. 

You also have coaches (myself included) saying we shouldn't wait for a new year to set goals and reach for the things we want in life.

While that may be true, there's an undeniable shift in the air around January 1st. There's the hope of new beginnings, an anticipation of the year to come, and a beautiful projection of what life could look like 365 days...

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Episode 32: 5 Questions to Epically Change Your Life in 2020

Jan 07, 2020

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  • The reason so many people fail to meet their resolutions isn't because they don't have the skills, or the willpower, or the motivation. It's that they approach each year the same way and expect a different result. They set the same goals with the only true plan being that they're just going to be different in the new year. Because... new year. 
  • If you don't take a moment of pause to reflect on the things that worked, the things that didn't work, what needs to change, and what needs to be magnified, you're missing a...
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Episode 30: Year in Review: My Mistakes, Lessons, and Triumphs from 2019

Dec 24, 2019

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Last year at this time I was attempting to launch Fit for Life Academy, an online program I spent 6 months planning for and building out. The launch bombed and I never touched it again.

  • Lesson: Stop thinking that just because something doesn't work the first time, it means it's wrong or wasn't meant to be. Persistence, persistence, persistence is key.

I hired my first business coach who helped me get my fitness business largely online (yey), but at the cost of me feeling aligned with my brand. I never wanted to promote...

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Episode 27: The Infinite VS The Finite Game of Life... Which Will Have You Winning?

Dec 03, 2019

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  • In a finite game, you're playing for the purpose of winning, the rules are well defined, and players are squarely defined as winner or loser. 
    • The problems with playing the finite game in life are knowing what to do once you've 'won', committing to an all-or-nothing mentality, and defining yourself as 'winner' or 'loser.'
    • 3 ways you might be playing the finite game:
      • Following a diet with an end date... remember, if your diet has an end date so do your results.
      • In fights with your significant other,...
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Episode 26: 3 Ways to Make Your Resolution Stick and Make 2020 10x Better!

Nov 26, 2019

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