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Episode 266: The Scoop On Supplements

Mar 04, 2025

 Arguably the most common questions I get from both clients and strangers on the internet alike are about supplements. So here we are, finally dedicating a whole episode to them. 

But before we dive in, I want you to know why it’s taken me this long to cover such a hot topic. 

Supplements can not magically compensate for poor nutrition, chronic stress, inadequate sleep, or a sedentary lifestyle. They exist to lend a little ‘oomf’, a little extra support, a little health bump if you will. They can fill some...

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Episode 265: Tiny Habits, Massive Results: How Small Changes Lead to Big Wins

Feb 25, 2025

 A few days ago I was on a call with a new client who was facing a predicament almost everyone faces when trying to make changes to their nutrition and fitness habits.

She delayed scheduling her second call with me because she was embarrassed that even though we laid out a plan for her, she hadn’t followed through with it.

I explained how unbelievably normal this was. So many think if a coach just tells them what to do they’ll be able to go out and immediately crush it. But the truth is no one ever comes to me just needing...

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Episode 264: Finding Harmony with the Opposite Sex with Anya Shakh (Valentine's Episode)

Feb 18, 2025

I am so excited because this is always one of my favorite episodes of the entire year... it is our Valentine's episode!! 

In years past I've interviewed sex therapists, my parents, relationships coaches, and this year I'm so excited to bring on my amazing friend Anya Shakh. 

Anya's goal is to help bring harmony between the sexes during a time where we feel more disconnected and more misunderstood than ever. 

We're all trying to navigate this changing terrain where men and women's roles are becoming more and more blurred,...

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Episode 263: 33 Lessons in 33 Years (Part 3)

Feb 11, 2025

Last week we continued our conversation about the 33 lessons I've picked up over the last 33 years. So often I'm in 'coach mode' sharing the facts and figures about how to be healthy.

But if you want to get a little more personal and hear some of the stories that have shaped me, the way I think, and the way I show up for you, all filters are down for these episodes. If you missed part 1, start here. Need to catch up with part 2? Click here. Otherwise dive right in to part 3!

21. Be careful who you take advice from. If...

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Episode 262: 33 Lessons in 33 Years (Part 2)

Feb 04, 2025

Last week we started a really fun conversation about the 33 lessons I've picked up over the last 33 years. So often I'm in 'coach mode' sharing the facts and figures about how to be healthy.

But if you want to get a little more personal and hear some of the stories that have shaped me, the way I think, and the way I show up for you, all filters are down for these episodes. If you missed last week, start here. Otherwise dive right in to part 2!

12. The biggest wounds often launch the most powerful healing. 

13. Stop...

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Episode 261: 33 Lessons in 33 Years (Part 1)

Jan 28, 2025

On January 19th I turned 33 and it was admittedly an interesting one. 

Did I allow myself a moment at the beginning of the day to mourn the life I thought I’d have by 33 - the house, the husband, the kids? Sure did. 

But then I decided the theme of the day was to follow the joy. 

The joy brought me to my favorite coffee shop with a fantastic book. 

The joy brought me to a reflexology massage and True Food lunch with my friend Brooke. 

The joy brought 6 wonderful women over to my home for a pajama party. These...

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Episode 260: 10X Your Confidence with Styling Secrets from LA Stylist Tina Choi

Jan 21, 2025

There's something I've come to realize over this past year. It's one of those things you kind of know, but you don't really know until you for sure know. And it's this... what you put on your body has an astronomical impact on how you feel in your body.

Personally, my style has been all over the map over the years. For a long time I wanted to put no effort into the way I looked (a rebellion against my mom's passion for looking immaculate at all times).

Then I swung hard in the other direction, wearing...

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Episode 259: Cycle Syncing Secrets with the Menstrual Mogul

Jan 14, 2025

 Ever feel like one minute you’re crushing life - knocking through your to do list, easily focusing on different projects, smoking the person next to you in your workout class - and the next minute you're knocked on your ass... can’t keep track of what needs to get done, brain fog is stealing your concentration, and you’re barely making it through workouts that should be a walk in the park for you??

Yeah. Welcome to your hormonal cycle.

The hard truth is our world was not set up to take the monthly hormonal...

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Episode 258: Kat's Favorite Things 2024 Edition

Jan 07, 2025

As the year winds down, it’s the perfect time to reflect on all the amazing discoveries that have made life just a little sweeter, healthier, and more intentional. Today, I’m sharing my favorite finds from this past trip around the sun—spanning everything from skin care and supplements to transformational books and programs. Let’s dive in!

The Joy Jar

Let’s start with a simple yet transformative tradition: the Joy Jar. Here’s how it works: each time something wonderful happens, write it down and pop it...

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Episode 257: New Years Resolutions Are Dead... Do THIS Instead

Dec 31, 2024

I feel like the new year brings with it a conundrum. On the one hand, I think we’re all burned out on setting resolutions. One too many times we’ve found ourselves feeling like a failure come February.

Who wants to relive that shame spiral for the 100th time?

On the other hand, there’s an undeniable shift in the air. We become more reflective around this time of year, thinking about what we want for ourselves in the coming months. And that clean slate is so damn appealing to start anew.

So what’s a girl to do?


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